Sunday marked our church's 22nd Anniversary, the youth donned our latest green-blue "Ordinary People Meeting an Extra-ordinary God" t-shirt, and the Firebrands Youth Group presented a musical-dance number "Celebrate The Lord of Love." More pix here. This is by the way a historical event because it's the first dance number to be allowed as a presentation. We're making progress...
Sunday marked our church's 22nd Anniversary, the youth donned our latest green-blue "Ordinary People Meeting an Extra-ordinary God" t-shirt, and the Firebrands Youth Group presented a musical-dance number "Celebrate The Lord of Love." More pix here. This is by the way a historical event because it's the first dance number to be allowed as a presentation. We're making progress...
I was encouraged by Kuya Sur to document the happenings in our campus ministry in Universidad de Manila. Last Friday, I rose up early (around 9AM, hehe) to print out the documents I had to pass to the Office of Student Affairs for the recognition of Chi Alpha in UDM. One hour before 12 I was already at church printing the documents. Netty already arrived at SM Manila.

I met Netty at SM Manila at quarter to 12. And there she was. I was just blown away by the way she fixed herself that day. I'm a sucker for ponytails :) So fair, no make-ups but just as beautiful. I kept stealing glances at her which she thought I had some trick in my sleeves. Wow, I was just so inspired. That evening I texted her, "Ang ganda mo today, nagkacrush ako uli sa'yo." Then following up, "Uuy... palakpak tenga! :)"
Anyway, we met only 3 students that afternoon, but its ok, we had a meaningful time of fellowship & bonding. After our BS we had a chance to meet the vice president of UDM and the president of the student body of the whole University, whose in fact an INC follower, but nevertheless he was open to our proposal. He said he's gonna discuss it in the meeting of deans. Do pray for a breakthrough that our proposal for the recognition of UDM will finally happen.

I met Netty at SM Manila at quarter to 12. And there she was. I was just blown away by the way she fixed herself that day. I'm a sucker for ponytails :) So fair, no make-ups but just as beautiful. I kept stealing glances at her which she thought I had some trick in my sleeves. Wow, I was just so inspired. That evening I texted her, "Ang ganda mo today, nagkacrush ako uli sa'yo." Then following up, "Uuy... palakpak tenga! :)"
Anyway, we met only 3 students that afternoon, but its ok, we had a meaningful time of fellowship & bonding. After our BS we had a chance to meet the vice president of UDM and the president of the student body of the whole University, whose in fact an INC follower, but nevertheless he was open to our proposal. He said he's gonna discuss it in the meeting of deans. Do pray for a breakthrough that our proposal for the recognition of UDM will finally happen.
It's been a while since my last post. It was a fruitful day:
- Had sisig lunch with one of our youth in CEU.
- Spent time in prayer and devotion in San Sebastian church. So quiet.
- Met with Achi Josie in UBC for the upcoming sectional worship symposium project.
- Went to UDM to meet Netty and Annie, met a faculty contact who graciously offered us a place to do our bible study. Went to Mcdo after to do some planning for next semester.
- Met with TIP IT head Jonathan Caballero & Ptr. Sur for some IT projects for NYMN.
Today, we were offered a new place inside UDM, a long table inside the nursing faculty room. It was offered by Ms. Melba Delgado, the coordinator of College of Nursing, who just happened to be the churchmate of Netty. This afternoon Netty and Annie met at school to do prayer-walking. I met them after and went to McDo for a brief meeting for the upcoming June semester. Netty came aboard the UDM Chi-Alpha last Friday.
Two new books for my library. Bought last night at Fully Booked in Rockwell Powerplant:

Strengthening Your Grip by Charles Swindoll

Risk by Kenny Luck, Men's pastor, Saddleback Church
I'm here right now at the library. It's a great day. This morning I woke up 30 minutes before class. Hurried bath, no breakfast and drove as fast as I could to school. Of course 30 minutes won't take me to class. I arrived quarter to 9. We were warned last time not to make anymore absences. I was already thinking that if didn't arrive before 9 I will not go to class altogether. Next semester I will really avoid taking morning classes. Thank God when I arrived the class hasn't started yet, and there were only 3 of us students there. Our professor was quite disappointed of the attendance turn-out. Because we're having a guest professor in, Dr. Tappeiner. He's teaching about Pauline Theology.
And I'm glad that I was in today's class. I learned a lot from this seasoned theologian. He taught Pauline Theology as a "first-hand speaker" or as Paul. His way of teaching through narrative was quite engaging and interesting. Lot's of thought provoking questions were laid on the table. So it was great.
After class, I saw my Cambodian schoolmate Meang in the hallway and asked me how I and my girlfriend are doing. (Imagine he's a former Buddhist monk, now in bible school and he's graduating this March). I was not into chapel so we agreed to have lunch together at the newly opened McDonalds just beside our school. We had a great time catching up. And he was surprised to learn that Antonette is a dentist. Because his girl prospect was a also a dentist from Operation Blessing! So after lunch, we decided to spend some more time sharing and listening to each other's plans and his much awaited asking-of-hand. We spent some time in prayer and after that went our separate ways. It was a blessed time.
And I'm glad that I was in today's class. I learned a lot from this seasoned theologian. He taught Pauline Theology as a "first-hand speaker" or as Paul. His way of teaching through narrative was quite engaging and interesting. Lot's of thought provoking questions were laid on the table. So it was great.
After class, I saw my Cambodian schoolmate Meang in the hallway and asked me how I and my girlfriend are doing. (Imagine he's a former Buddhist monk, now in bible school and he's graduating this March). I was not into chapel so we agreed to have lunch together at the newly opened McDonalds just beside our school. We had a great time catching up. And he was surprised to learn that Antonette is a dentist. Because his girl prospect was a also a dentist from Operation Blessing! So after lunch, we decided to spend some more time sharing and listening to each other's plans and his much awaited asking-of-hand. We spent some time in prayer and after that went our separate ways. It was a blessed time.
The Rainbow Bridge
by Paul Dahm
There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors. Just this side of the rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows, hills, and valleys with lush green grass.
When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place. There is always food and water and warm spring weather. The old and frail animals are young again. Those who are maimed are made whole again. They play all day with each other.
There is only one thing missing. They are not with their special person who loved them on Earth. So, each day they run and play until the day comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks up! The nose twitches! The ears are up! The eyes are staring! And this one suddenly runs from the group!
You have been seen, and when you and your special friend meet, you take him or her in your arms and embrace. Your face is kissed again and again and again and you look once more into the eyes of your trusting pet.
Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be separated.
There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors. Just this side of the rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows, hills, and valleys with lush green grass.
When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place. There is always food and water and warm spring weather. The old and frail animals are young again. Those who are maimed are made whole again. They play all day with each other.
There is only one thing missing. They are not with their special person who loved them on Earth. So, each day they run and play until the day comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks up! The nose twitches! The ears are up! The eyes are staring! And this one suddenly runs from the group!
You have been seen, and when you and your special friend meet, you take him or her in your arms and embrace. Your face is kissed again and again and again and you look once more into the eyes of your trusting pet.
Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be separated.
by Reuben Morgan
I will wait
Reach out my hands before You
My Keeper, I will come running
Into Your arms,
It's You I long for
With all my heart
I want to know You
You are all I want
I want to know You more
I will wait
Reach out my hands before You
My Keeper, I will come running
Into Your arms,
It's You I long for
With all my heart
I want to know You
You are all I want

["Ayawan Na": Taken during the Church-based Campus Ministry Consultation in Baguio City last February 2. More pics here.]
This evening we at Book of Hope had this event called Hope Celebration wherein we invite our supporters and friends for a dinner treat and program to show appreciation to them. This was my first time to be in one. It was held in Holiday Inn in Ortigas. It was fun. I was encouraged by the message of Bob Hoskins, founder of BOH, on how God's Word has moved in the lives of the youth and the nations. It reaffirms and encourages me to go on pursuing the task that God has called me to. The whole program was smooth. Even the testimonies of the people touched by BOH were encouraging.
This morning naman, I had a great time with the students I do bible study with in Universidad de Manila. We met at Annie's place, because it was her mom's birthday. We had a fun time during our discussion about "Understanding the Opposite Sex" in time for Valentines. Great time, great food. Before I left for Ortigas, we had a chance to pray for her mom who is by the way already 60 years old.
This past few days I've been experiencing body aches when I wake in the morning. I noticed it began when I started going back to office. It's not the stress in the office, I think it's the long drive from house to office to school...
This evening also, I was able to meet Councilor of 5th District of Manila Boy Isip. We've been trying to get in touch with him in City Hall late last year in order to get recommendations to get through UDM gates. I was amazed when he and his wife was there in Hope Celebration. And Kuya James knows them! Kuya James is one of the BOH field workers and within this month they are distributing BOH in UDM! Wow, God is really good! He was able to reintroduce me to them again, now with much attention (because last time they were like not to interested in us). Praise God!
These past few days are joyful days, my hands are full in ministering to the youth and it's really a blessing. Netty's taking two days off now in her dental work and she's also ministering to youth. She'll join me when I go to UDM. She's really great, being supportive and all. With the Valentines season around the corner, it's been a discussion among the youth, and I always tell them how a relationship becomes a blessing when instead of pulling away from God, that love relationship draws both man and woman to Him. And it's so true.
Prayer requests:
This evening we at Book of Hope had this event called Hope Celebration wherein we invite our supporters and friends for a dinner treat and program to show appreciation to them. This was my first time to be in one. It was held in Holiday Inn in Ortigas. It was fun. I was encouraged by the message of Bob Hoskins, founder of BOH, on how God's Word has moved in the lives of the youth and the nations. It reaffirms and encourages me to go on pursuing the task that God has called me to. The whole program was smooth. Even the testimonies of the people touched by BOH were encouraging.
This morning naman, I had a great time with the students I do bible study with in Universidad de Manila. We met at Annie's place, because it was her mom's birthday. We had a fun time during our discussion about "Understanding the Opposite Sex" in time for Valentines. Great time, great food. Before I left for Ortigas, we had a chance to pray for her mom who is by the way already 60 years old.
This past few days I've been experiencing body aches when I wake in the morning. I noticed it began when I started going back to office. It's not the stress in the office, I think it's the long drive from house to office to school...
This evening also, I was able to meet Councilor of 5th District of Manila Boy Isip. We've been trying to get in touch with him in City Hall late last year in order to get recommendations to get through UDM gates. I was amazed when he and his wife was there in Hope Celebration. And Kuya James knows them! Kuya James is one of the BOH field workers and within this month they are distributing BOH in UDM! Wow, God is really good! He was able to reintroduce me to them again, now with much attention (because last time they were like not to interested in us). Praise God!
These past few days are joyful days, my hands are full in ministering to the youth and it's really a blessing. Netty's taking two days off now in her dental work and she's also ministering to youth. She'll join me when I go to UDM. She's really great, being supportive and all. With the Valentines season around the corner, it's been a discussion among the youth, and I always tell them how a relationship becomes a blessing when instead of pulling away from God, that love relationship draws both man and woman to Him. And it's so true.
Prayer requests:
- Favor from Councilor Boy Isip for recommendation to do campus ministry inside Universidad de Manila.
- Physical strength and stamina
- Me and Netty
- Growth in ministry and leaders
"Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today ... The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent."
Exodus 14:13-14
"The Lord is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation. This is my God and I will praise Him ... Who is like You among the gods, O Lord? Who is like You, majestic in holiness, awesome in praises, working wonders?"
Exodus 15
Set a guard over my mouth, Oh Lord
keep watch over the door of my lips
Let not my heart be drawn to what is evil
to take part in the wicked deeds with men who are evildoers
let me not eat their delicacies ...
But my eyes are fixed on you, O Sovereign Lord
in you I take refuge - do not give me over to death
Keep me from the snares they have laid for me,
from the traps set by evildoers
keep watch over the door of my lips
Let not my heart be drawn to what is evil
to take part in the wicked deeds with men who are evildoers
let me not eat their delicacies ...
But my eyes are fixed on you, O Sovereign Lord
in you I take refuge - do not give me over to death
Keep me from the snares they have laid for me,
from the traps set by evildoers
Psalm 141
We just concluded our Campus Ministry Consultation Conference here at APTS, Baguio. It's cold here. News say that it's colder here than some parts in US. The conference was great. I am happy that Annie, one of our student leaders, was refilled during our last commissioning service. I myself have some conversations and inquiries with God. I was telling Him to give me the discernment and strength to give up what's still in my hands. And that it's always an honor to serve Him. Not much emotional stir-ups, but one knows that He was there. Met new friends, rekindled old ones. Lots of people have noticed my expressiveness during the event. For the first time daw they had seen my face move. They contribute it to an inspiration. I guess so. Going down tomorrow midnight.
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