Rappler aptly described this year as "Creative Destruction," destroy and rebuild. Though we are a people challenged in 2013, I believe God is up to something. We could hope and pray that 2014 will be better. But regardless, our future is not in the hands of astrology and forecasters, but our future is in God's hands. "Those who trust in the Lord will never be put to shame." (Romans 10:11)
Last Sunday of 2013
Today Nette and I got to go to Victory Fort for the last Sunday of the year. It's always a treat to sit and listen to God's Word through Ptr. Joey Bonifacio. What he preached on was so timely. It spoke to my heart and rebuked me at the same time.
He preached about having a successful plan for 2014. He starts off by saying that we pray that God will bless our plans.. but how can God bless our plans if there are no plans to bless? The point is without a plan there is no way you can gauge if you are successful or not.
He takes his Scripture from Zechariah 4, wherein Zechariah prophesies a word of encouragement to Zerrubabel as he and priest Joshua prepare to rebuild Jerusalem after years of exile. Ptr. Joey gave the following points from this Scripture: 1) Find the Big - Relationship (with God and with others). This resonates much with his philosophy in discipleship, that we are created to love God and love others. 2) It's all about faith in Christ. 3) Less is more - meaning don't be a jack of trades, but focus on the main thing. And 4) Slow is fast. "Never despise small beginnings" as found in Zech.
It really made me think about what happened this year and it has motivated me to do better in 2014 to say the least.
I'm thinking of joining their praying and fasting campaign this January.
By lunch time, after much deliberation with myself (Nette said she wasn't craving for anything). We decided to go to Moshi Koshi, a Japanese resto in Market! Market! This is the 2nd time we went their and finally I nailed my order: Shoyu Ramen with it's unmistakably Japanese broth. We had the whole restaurant to ourselves, maybe because most people are out of town.
After lunch we thought about going to a coffee shop nearby, but instead we took a more practical leisure: window shopping and grocery shopping :) Got some chips and snacks on the way out. Then we spent our afternoon at home and finished watching The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. It was a great refresher after watching The Desolation of Smaug a few weeks ago.
It's a few more days before 2014. Today has pumped me up for the new year.
It's a few more days before 2014. Today has pumped me up for the new year.
Ministry Update
Hello blog world! It's been a while again since I've put my last post here. Been busy with campus ministry in the past few weeks. As you know, classes already started last month, and we're on the process of recruiting students to be part of our discipleship groups.
XA UBelt
I'm excited that our ministry in University Belt is growing. I have moved out (for now) of PUP & TUP after we've established student leaders who will lead the movement in these schools. This semester, some of us focused in universities surrounding our student center. One university has been showing signs of harvest: FEU. Today we have a strong discipleship group going on every week, and we're praying that leaders will rise up from this group. We're continually praying for movements in UE, UST and other schools.
Last semester we do our life gathering, a celebration gathering/worship service of all discipleship groups, once a month. This semester we took a step of faith to make it a weekly gathering. One of our concern was adding another time commitment for the students to commit to. But we do see the value of seeing each other's discipleship groups and celebrating the victories God has given us as a community. Every Friday we are amazed at testimonies of students about how God is answering their prayers and prospering their discipleship groups.
We are now working towards solidifying our groups. Come August, we will be starting our discipleship lessons. We will be launching our new discipleship curriculum called SIM or Student Intentional Moves, a student version of an existing IM. This comes as an answered prayer to have a discipleship tool for students. So in partnership with ICI Ministries, the National Youth Department and Chi Alpha worked together to produce this tool. Personally, I can't wait to see students leading other students with this tool.
Next week we are also hosting an 8-person XA missions team from Ball State University Indianapolis. The week will be full of meet and greets and other events with them. Excited to work with them and invest in their lives as well.
XA National
On the national XA scene, we had a fruitful ministry last summer. From March to May XA Training Teams were deployed to different parts of the Philippines to train students and churches in starting their new Chi Alpha groups in their own locale. Our teams were quite different this time from when we started. Before it was only a 3-person team. But today, there are more people, even a new generation of trainors who have joined us. It was a response to the need of more trainors for more locations that some of us haven't worked together during summer because we're assigned to different locations. We only saw each other, and celebrated what God has done during our get together party after summer.
Some places where we had training:
- Angeles, Pampanga
- Metro Manila
- Bicol Region
- Cebu
- Aklan
- Davao City (Mindanao region wide)
- La Union
Training students and churches was an exciting time. It's like planting seeds. Planting seeds of vision and passion for the lost and the campus. By June, our teams return to their own local ministries while tuned to the developments that would happen in places where we did our training. And praise God because when the school year kicked-off, new Chi Alpha discipleship groups started and new Chi Alpha organizations were registered in their respective universities. These are always exciting times for us.
New XA developments around the Philippines
- Personal victories from students who shared Christ to their classmates.
- XA is now an official student organization in Technological University of the Philippines, Bataan Peninsula State University Dinalupihan Campus, Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University in Agoo, La Union, Cebu Technological University Argao Campus. UP Diliman is also working to be an official student organization this year.
- XA dgroups have been established for the first time in University of Makati, Aklan State University, Miriam College.
- In Bicol Region, new XA movements have been established in different provinces. Like in Camarines Sur, 4 campus movements were immediately started after the training in 4 major university locations.
- In the past we have seen movements among high school students rise up. This year, we have launched a new identity for high school movements called "XA High", this new identity will see the development of specific tools and strategies in reaching high school students.
- We continue to discover new movements as a result of our trainings in the past years. It continues to encourage us and affirm God's Word that says, "our work in the Lord is not in vain."
Thank you for praying with us!
- Pray Patrick and Nette for daily strength and provision as we serve in UBelt and National XA.
- Pray for XA UBelt as we start discipleship through SIM this August. Pray that new student leaders will rise up and catch the vision. That students will be passionate to share Christ to their friends.
- Pray for the University Belt that more discipleship communities will be started as a joint passion of different campus and church movements.
- Patrick will go to Taiwan first week of September for Asia Pacific Youth Leaders Meeting. Pray for provision and favor in getting a visa.
- Pray for our dental clinic. Nette continues to work as a dentist. She closes her clinic 2 times during the work week to serve in University Belt. Pray that patients will come during the clinic's open times.
- We're also praying for a financial breakthrough and a baby. All in God's perfect time! :)
In pictures:
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Nette praying for one of her disciples who celebrated her birthday last week. |
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One of the DGroups held at the Student Center, this one is composed of students from FEU, AMA & MFI |
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The test copy of the XA official discipleship tool Student Intentional Moves which will be coming out this month. |
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Last June, LifeSource, the church where we are serving as campus pastors, celebrated our 6th anniversary. We gave out books to student leaders and prayed for them. |
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Game time at our weekly Friday Life Gathering. |
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Celebrating Fathers Day with my parents and brother. Thanking God for their good health and provisions. |
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XALT Training in Argao Cebu |
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Evangelism and Book of Hope distribution during Chi Alpha kick-off in a local High School in Davao City. |
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Our new identity, XA High! |
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The monthly dgroups celebration of Chi Alpha UP Diliman. |
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A student who attended XALT shares the gospel to her high school friends in Pampanga. |
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Students from Pamantasan ng Montalban (University of Montalban) during their kick-off rally last June. |
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XALT Training of Mindanao in Davao City. |
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It's a blessing to see local churches adopt our XALT training. This one was led by First Assembly of God, San Fernando, Pampanga. |
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A back-to-school rally held by all AG churches in Pampanga. |
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Students from University of Makati during a student treat hosted by ICS. |
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A youth camp in Cebu where Chi Alpha was introduced to students. In this photo they were practicing how to share their faith to their classmates. |
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Photo of the XA Luzon Team during our post-victory celebration (after summer trainings). As you can see we are growing bigger, and some of us older! |
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Prayerwalking at DMMMSU. Early this semester they became an official student organization in that university. |
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XALT Training in Aklan |
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XALT for Bicol Region |
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XALT at La Union |
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Worship moment in XALT Manila where Ptr Sur del Rosario spoke a word of encouragement to the students. |
Sitting at Jesus' Feet
38 Now as they were traveling along, He entered a village; and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home. 39 She had a sister called Mary, who was seated at the Lord’s feet, listening to His word. 40 But Martha was distracted with [q]all her preparations; and she came up to Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone? Then tell her to help me.” 41 But the Lord answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; 42 but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10)
Don't be too busy to sit at Jesus' feet and listen to His Word. The previous sentence doesn't even justify the challenge. We're not commanded not to be "too busy" as if yes it's ok to be busy once in a while. It deflects us from the real challenge: Sit at the feet of Jesus, and listen to His Word. Sometimes it's a literal "challenge" for many Christians who are busy doing a lot of things, even things pertaining to kingdom work.
I remember as a kid, one of the least highlights on my weekend is when my family would their elders who I do not know. I had to sit through it. As a kid with a short attention span, watching my parents talk to old people bored me. I had to sit properly on the sofa, but I'm already fidgeting. No toy to play with. No boy or girl to play with. I had to endure it and smile, and when I can't hold it any longer, I'll give a bad eye or throw a tantrum.
Sometimes we do that in God's presence. We sit in His presence because we have too, lest we brand ourselves as busybodies. But our minds wander, our concentration to God's worship is fluctuates like a light dream, thinking about the next "great" thing our hands could work on, for His kingdom, of course. But I don't think God is pleased at all with that kind of attitude.
I am reminded once again about the importance of sitting at Jesus' feet and listening to His Word. Jesus' response to Martha resonated with me very much, "You are worried and bothered about many things." It's like Jesus is directly saying it to me, "Pat, you are worried and bothered about many things." To sit at Jesus' feet meant to surrender my busy feet doing busy things. Listening meant for me to stop talking and giving direction, and let Jesus teach me and give me direction.
We get so busy sometimes that we already fail to hear and listen to the Master's voice. We assume that Jesus is for us when in reality His distant voice is already warning us. Martha assumed that Jesus was in the zone with her when she asked, "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself?" It's a rhetorical question of course, and Martha assumed that Jesus was in approval. So much was her delusion that she didn't even let Jesus respond, but concluded and assumed His approval saying, "Then tell her to help me!" (NASB has the conjunction "then").
Jesus' responded in a loving correction. Thank God that Jesus corrects us, disciplines us out of His unconditional love for us. "You are worried and upset about many things. But one thing is needed."
Mary, on the other hand, sat at the feet of Jesus, and listened to His Word. This is what it meant for her and for Jesus:
"... but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:42)
"... but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:42)
(1) One thing - Jesus directed Martha to the one thing (among few things) that is really important--relationship with Him. The problem is not that Martha was serving, but that she got distracted with the real reason for whom she was serving, snuffing the joy in her and her sister as well. Martha's "many things" "distracted" her from the One that is in their midst--Jesus.
(2) It is necessary - Sitting at the Lord's feet is not a luxury Christians have. Our life depends on it. Therefore do not just give to the Lord your bare minimum. Don't just spend time with Him, spend quality and extravagant time with Him away from the distractions of the world.
(3) It is good - Nurturing our relationship with Jesus is beneficial for us. Jesus calls it the "good part". Could it be that in your desire to serve Him there are "not so good parts" like busyness?
(4) It is a choice - Sitting at Jesus' feet is a daily choice that we make in the midst of many things. It is a choice, we don't just float into God's presence, but rather most of the time we let the demands of work sweep us away from the most important. Choose to spend time with God daily.
(5) It is fruitful for eternity - Jesus said those who choose to spend time with Him, this privilege and result shall not be taken from them. "I will be with you to the very end of the age." Our busyness (one calls it the tyranny of the urgent) often robs us of eternal perspective and the vastness of God's mission for us. In Paul's writing, it reminds us that every thing is done in the perspective of Christ:
For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. (Colossians 1:16-17)
Lord, thank You for putting things in perspective again. It's all about You, Jesus. Forgive me when I go ahead in doing exploits for You when you want me first to sit at your feet to listen and receive. Thank you for the privilege of entering the throneroom of the King of Kings, the nerve center of the Commander-in-Chief. Help me value these over the "many things" that distract me. It's all about You, Jesus.
Ignite 2013 Reflections
23 Then he turned to his disciples and said privately, “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see. 24 For I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.”
Ignite reflection
Last week I got to be part of a very awesome conference called Ignite. Ignite is the bi-annual youth conference of Every Nation. I've been hearing about it for some time and this year, I resolved to be part of it. And praise God because provided the way for me to be in that conference through new found friends in Lifebox ministry.
Ignite 2013 saw the convergence of 9600 students from the Philippines and with that 200+ international students from all over Asia. I remember saying to myself on the first day, after seeing what's before my eyes: "I am on the right track." Meaning, student ministry is the way to go. We cannot neglect the reaching out of students and this needs to continually be realized among the Assemblies of God.
Some of my memorable highlights included the sessions that were powerfully preached by men of God, especially those of Ptr. CJ and Ptr. Steve Murrell. Ptr. CJ is the national director of Lifebox. He talked about a very in-your-face message about sexual purity. Ptr. Steve Murrell, started the Victory movement back in the 80s. One of my "remote" mentors that I consider, I usually read his blogs and to finally listen to hear preach was a blessing. Every moment had something special in them. I have learned new things about putting up a conference like that.
Worship moments were so powerful. What struck me was how unapologetic they are about the gift of tongues. First night, the opening production opened with 3 people praying in tongues! It was so new and powerful. First night also saw the challenge to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. First night also saw the consecration of all the delegates as everyone kneeled down and prayed for holiness to set in their hearts. The theme of the conference by the way is on Holiness - A holy life, a holy calling.
Fun moments included the Kinect Wars where in campus missionaries from different universities battled it out on stage by dancing with Kinect. It was so funny for a while. The conference also had surprise celebrity guests during their halftime shows: Rachel Ann Go, Yeng, Quest, Christian Bautista and Ogie Alcasid, all professing to be born again Christian, saved through Victory.
Along the way I've met some students from Siliman Dumaguete, Ateneo, CEU and UST. I'm so encouraged to know that Lifebox started with students from UST. They say they number now to 400, which is awesome. This is very encouraging because we are set on starting Chi Alpha in UST. What struck me with their conversations is how are they intentional in reaching out to the influencers of the campus like varsities, student councils and school leaders.
As a national campus ministry leader, this conference has made a huge impact in me as an individual and as a leader. This conference widened my vision and showed me what can be possible. It gave me ideas especially on our upcoming conferences in 2014 and 2015. It encouraged me that I'm part of something greater. On the last night I said to my friend "Sila na!" meaning they really pulled it off really well. Part of me was rejoicing with them, so much that I want to be part of them. But I know my place and my purpose. God has placed each one of us for such a time as this. Someone needs to rally our students on our end.
As a campus pastor in University Belt, I am encouraged that we are not alone. To see the body of Christ move in the campus, knowing that you are in arms with other believers, other leaders was something to be thankful about. I have to remind myself that there is no quitting to the cause because someone is already doing it, but like Ptr. Steve Murrell said, it's never enough until everyone hears the gospel. I have to remind myself that there are still many students who need Christ and every Christian movement in University Belt is important to reach this city.
Next week, the opening of classes starts once again. And I praying for more. More students brought into the kingdom of God. According to our capacity, resources and manpower, everything should be mobilized to reach them. According to God's love and power that sustains us, Lord, do great things among our midst.
Hope for a Broken World
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The famous National Geographic photo of an Afghan refugee. |
I was browsing through YouTube today and it reminded me particularly about a National Geographic special I saw before on cable. The title is "Afghanistan's Lost Treasure" and fortunately it is available in parts on YouTube. The documentary tells about how the country's leading arts and culture people try to restore their art and culture after decades of Taliban oppression. See, before the Taliban, the country was rich in culture and history. But when the Taliban took over, they sought to destroy all kinds of art, because they adhere to a Quran law that any depiction of life like a painting or sculpture is an abomination against God.
I am particularly overwhelm by the people who sought to protect their country's rich history. One artist who manages the national art museum put his life at risk by painting water-based paint over oil paintings that depicted humans and animals so that the oppressors won't destroy the paintings. A group of film curators hid rolls upon rolls of the countries film archive in their film museum by covering the archive room with another wall, so the Taliban won't find them and burn them. They were so passionate about protecting these creations they were even willing to risk their lives for something they believed in.
After watching the docu, I was reminded of a movie about Afghanistan called "The Kite Runner" (which is again available on YouTube). It was originally a novel about a boy's personal struggle and interpersonal stories growing up before and during the Taliban occupation. It's a story of regret and redemption.
It bored me to watch the movie again (it was less than two hours), so I reminisce the movie by reading the plot summary in Wikipedia. There was a story arc in the movie where an orphan boy was abducted and abused by one of the Taliban leaders, and apparently this practice is an age-old tradition in the region called "Bacha Bazi". So I researched about this and what I found out was heart-breaking.
Basically, Bacha Bazi is an age-old tradition that was sort of birth out of evil necessity. It was the acquisition of boys by influential and powerful men in the society to serve as their lovers. It's an issue that is taboo among their society, obviously illegal, yet a rampant occurrence throughout the country. A documentary made in 2010 proves that even in a modern world, this backward and sick practice still happens at the expense of young and innocent young men. The path to change is slow and steep, as United Nations and other organizations address this problem.
How do you heal the world that is so entangled by its own sin? Is there hope for our deeply broken world?
Last Thursday, in one of our student discipleship groups, one of the new student asked, "Did God planned for aborted babies to suffer such fate?" It was a tough and challenging question which reverts back to the age old question why is there suffering in this world. It is because of the world's own sin that made it what it is today, each of us from time immemorial contributed to it, a domino effect that seems to escalate from one generation to another.
But God's Word gives us hope. God's Word has the power to transform us.
For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ! - Romans 5:17
So is there even hope for a broken world that is seem to be neck-deep in mess created by its own evil ways? A resounding "Yes!" Jesus is sufficient, truly Jesus is the answer to every broken heart. Through Christ He made available "God's abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness" to everyone who calls to Him. When we had chosen to look away, Jesus stared Sin and suffering in its face. It killed Him, but not for long, because like a seed that dies on the ground, Jesus springs out from His grave alive, overpowering the tag-team of Sin and Death that held Him back. Paul taunts, "Where O Death is thy sting?"
I as a person cannot do one good thing to make this world better. It is Christ that is in me, He is the one that works in me and through me to be a blessing to a broken world, touching one soul at a time.
I may not be going to Afghanistan any time soon, but I know someone who will, and I pray that God's abundant provision of grace and His gift of righteousness work through her.
Day in the Life
It's been a while since I updated my blog. There had been a lot of things that happened since. For one I have yet to post our 3rd wedding anniversary celebration in Hongkong. But you can find that in my facebook photos.
Today was a peculiar day of ministry. Last night, I learned that the students from our TUP DGroup are being dismissed early so we made plans to meet early. That meant missing my PUP DGroup, but thank God for student leaders who are ready to take charge in this time of need.
I thank God for our TUP DGroup. We met the students that make up this DGroup at the end of last semester. One of our members in LifeSource who is a professor in TUP always make it a habit to connect his students to Chi Alpha at the end of each semester. So 2nd semester came and we slowly established our discipleship groups, one every Tuesday and another every Thursdays.
I am blessed at how these students who we met at the start, who didn't have a saving knowledge of Christ, now become students who are seeking God and reading God's Word with hunger and anticipation.
Today we celebrated the birthday of Benok, one of our faithful students in TUP, even though his birthday is still Wednesday next week. That is because I'm going away next Thursday to go to Davao City for the Mindanao Youth Leaders Summit.
After that we visited another member of our DGroup, Romel, because he was sick with fever and wasn't able to join today. We prayed for his healing and brought him meds and Gatorade. I was a bit shocked at how small and cramped their dorm room was, I thought how could this be conducive for studying. But you gotta work with what you have. I am reminded by God that He is everywhere.
That's the same thought that came up to me when after that we went to visit a funeral of one of our member's mother. We went to their home where the funeral is and conducted a funeral service, the 2nd one since last Sunday. It's great to see brothers and sisters encouraging one another in times of grief, that's what church is all about. It began to rain, and the electricity became fidgety until we went home late in the evening.
Today I am reminded about celebrating and valuing life. Today time and life flies so fast we miss the important moments in our lives if we don't stop, breathe for a while and appreciate God's work. Let us seek and serve God while we are young. Let's enjoy and delight in Him.
The Real January
Today I decided to come to office. My schedule at the office is Mondays and Wednesdays, but since this week's workdays was only Thursday and Friday, I decided to come over. Apparently many people are still on a holiday hangover because we were only four at the office, and yesterday I was told it was also as few. For the whole morning, I worked on projects. I'm enjoying this time because I've caught up with my project backlogs.
I've been enjoying this time, this past few days because once again time has become a luxury. I've been spending great extended time with the Lord in my extended times of solitude and personal devotion. More time with my wife and my loved ones. A time to reflect, think, and write. If life can just be like this, but in a few more days, the real January will come. Clients will be breathing on my back once again. I will be back in campus ministry, among other things. That's why these times are so precious. Because I'm readying myself, steadying myself. Before I go out there again I want to reinforce my foothold in Christ, the only unchangeable thing in this world and in my life. I believe that when my relationship with God is OK, it directly affects every facet of my life. I am reminded of the Steve Furtick article about making Christ not just the first, but the center of our lives in 2013 - http://www.churchleaders.com/pastors/pastor-how-to/147384-don-t-put-jesus-first-this-year.html
Here are some things on the top of my head that I'd like to do more this year:
- Communicate more clearly, care more deeply
- Solitude, stop, think, reflect, write - these are indispensable moments where I recharge and regain stability
- Don't let my quiet time fall into the list of my priorities - This is a non-negotiable, pivotal and will dictate how every facet of my life will turn out.
- Spend more quality time with my wife, appreciate her more
- De-multitask. This article resonates. "How to slow down in 2013". It shares 5 things on how to slow down including taking long walks and eating slowly. Simple yet true - http://www.relevantmagazine.com/life/whole-life/5-ways-slow-down-2013
- I am who God designed me to be. I have my own strengths, abilities. I can be confident with who I am in the light of Christ and not other people's shadow.
- Spend more time with my family and loved ones.
- Connect and catch up with friends more. Be open to new friendships.
- Laugh more and enjoy life. Don't take life too seriously. Thank God more. Give more.
- Stop procrastinating. Rest time should be rest time. Work time should be work time.
- My horizontal relationships hangs on my vertical relationship.
- Serve God in new and meaningful ways.
- Health is wealth.
- Be more present in the present. Enjoy the moment. Be there in the now.
My wife and I are also preparing ourselves for the upcoming Prayer and Fasting week. It's important to start the year on your knees. We're coming up with our faith goals and faith commitments this year, and we're excited at how God will once again display His greatness, love and just-in-time moments this year.
The Rainbow Covenant
"I will remember my covenant between me and you …" Genesis 9:15
This was God's promise to Noah after the flood. After forty days of destruction and cleansing. God put up a rainbow as a sign to a covenant that God will no more destroy the earth by flood. A covenant is defined as an agreement between two parties. But in the Bible, when God makes a covenant with man, He sticks to it for who He is. It is comforting to know that He doesn't act in response to our human frailty. This is the kind of covenant love God has for us.
Every story in the Old Testament is truly a shadow the things to come. In the the New Testament, a new covenant of grace is given to us through Jesus Christ. In both the flood narrative and the new testament covenant of grace, we see similar elements, the flood narrative pointing to the new covenant. In both instances each covenant is addressed to all creation:
A punishment - In the flood story, the punishment for man's wickedness is death through forty days of flood. In the new testament, the punishment for man's ultimate problem (sin) is spiritual death.
A payment - After the flood, Noah makes a sacrifice of animals to God. It was a common symbolic practice of substituting man's life for the animal's life. Moreover, the Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" which means "to cut" because then covenants are made between two parties by cutting an animal in half. In the new testament, God gave His only Son to die on our behalf. Jesus became the substitute and sacrifice for sin's demand.
A promise - God's covenant promised no more flood. We can now experience God's covenant love through Christ. Overcoming sin and death is made possible. True to God's covenant, His love finds us. While we were yet sinners Christ died for us.
A proof - After the flood, God put up the rainbow as a sign of His covenant to all creation. So that when He sees the rainbow, it will remind Him of His covenant never to send a destructive flood again. In the new testament, the beautiful rainbow becomes the rugged Cross, the sign established by God. That through Christ's death on the cross, we are no longer object of wrath, but clothed in Christ's righteousness. "Dressed in His righteousness alone, faultless to stand before the throne." "I give You praise for You are my righteousness …"
The following passage is a short but beautiful picture of the new covenant we have received through Christ:
Hebrews 9:15 (coincidentally, the rainbow covenant is found in Genesis 9:15) - "For this reason Christ is the mediator of a new covenant, that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance—now that he has died as a ransom to set them free from the sins committed under the first covenant."
So what now? What does God say in the Bible how we should respond? These beautiful pictures of God's covenant love should move us to a change of heart and action:
Hebrews 10:22 (CEV), So let’s come near God with pure hearts and a confidence that comes from having faith. Let’s keep our hearts pure, our consciences free from evil, and our bodies washed with clean water.
Thank You, Lord, for once again reminding me about Your covenant love.
Last Sunday 2012
On our last Sunday for 2012, we finally visited BFGFC after a long time. It was actually the week before that we planned to visit but Nette contracted sore eyes. It was a great time reconnecting to friends and youth. After that my family went to Robinsons Magnolia for lunch. We planned to watch a movie, my mom liked Thy Womb, but wouldn't you believe the movie was only screening in 4 cinemas in Metro Manila?? So we just opted to just hangout. We did try the Magnolia Ice Cream house, the remnant of the famous Magnolia ice cream plant back in the 80s.
New Year 2013
2012 has past, a new year unfolds ...
- As I look back to 2012, I am thankful for the different opportunities to serve Him and share God's love and message in various ways.
- Thanking God for good health, provision and protection for my family and loved ones.
- 2013 is a new challenge and we look at it with new optimism, hope and enthusiasm.
- I know what I need. More of Jesus. I need to continually make Him in the center of everything I do. More of His presence, grace, wisdom and strength.
- "Your clothes did not wear out and your feet did not swell during these forty years." (Deuteronomy 8:4) - I am reminded by God's sustaining grace in the midst of the wilderness, I do not need to fear but to trust Him more.
- Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. - Philippians 4:12-13
Happy new year! Just got done with our media noche preparing to hit the pillows for another morning.
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