Should I watch it again? I always watch good movies over and over again... but this one, it's too painful too endure. One thing that they could have done better was to feature the Ressurection longer and include the Ascension of Jesus Christ. But it's all good. I think my family will be watching it on Sunday.
I read a 56-year old woman had a heart-attack and later died after watching the crucifixion. I also read a serial killer and a neo-Nazi surrendered to authority after watching this movie. So powerful. It makes me think I've been too complacent in my walk with the Lord. Watching the movie, I longed to serve more and suffer for Him, being counted worthy of suffering disgrace for His name (Acts 5:40-42, also read the Heavenly Man.)
After the movie, I went to wash my face because my eyes were swelling.. People won't understand it if they don't have a 'personal relationship' with JC. It's like my friend or brother is on that movie screen. I went straight to Radio City and bought the movie soundtrack.
I will be all over this for a few weeks.
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