I'm reading The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. It was a good find. It's a fiction about a series of letters of Screwtape, a high-raking devil to his young nephew and amatuer tempter Wormwood. A view of the workings of evil and their Enemy (God) in their persons/patients (us). A very clever book by Lewis who lets us understand temptation from the devil's perspective, as a review says 'reverse theology method.'
This is a very timely book. I'm on chapter 7.
C.S. Lewis is also the author of Chronicles of Narnia, which Disney is producing. Ala Lord of the Rings. Lewis, a Christian, says he was influenced (religiously?) by his close friend JRR Tolkien, author of Lord of the Rings.
Finished reading the book. As the chapters progress, it got more philosophical to a point I had a hard time comprehending, and the inclusion of the European war in the 40s got me lost for a while, which caused me to delay reading. But it's a good book altogether. There are revelations and insights about our tempter.