Full story in 2 Kings 6:8-23.
It had been an awesome sight—to see horses and chariots of fire. But from the perspective of Elisha’s servant, the context from where they are made it more awesome. First, there was the crisis, an enemy poised to attach after the Aram king decided to hunt for Elisha when he learned that the prophet was helping his nemesis king of Israel (v. 15). And second, the solution, God’s solution, and salvation, in the form of flaming armies of the living God (v. 17). Like Elisha’s servant, we too are sometimes overwhelmed by fears and threats that is poised on the horizon, ready to eat us up. We don’t recognize what it means to be on God’s side. So we fail to see how God is working in and through our lives.
May we desire the prayer Elisha had desired for his servant, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that I may see.” May we say to God, Lord, open my eyes, my spiritual eyes, give me a God-ordained vision, so that I may see. Here are 5 things God will show us as we ask Him for a fresh vision:
Open my eyes so that I may see God’s protection. Elisha encouraged his servant not to be afraid, because those who are with them, are more that those who are against them. The servant was called by Elisha to believe in faith that God is present and able to deliver. Faith is the confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see (Hebrews 11:1). May God open our spiritual eyes so we may see what others do not see.
Open my eyes so that I may see God’s power. Sometimes we magnify our problems too much that we overlook how big God is. God is always greater that all those that are against us combined.
Open my eyes so that I may see God’s ways. Realize that when God delivers, it’s in His own terms and in His own timing, and not our own. Have the humility to obey and the patience to wait for God’s answer.
Open my eyes so that I may respond in kindness to others. It’s interesting that when God gave over the enemy to Elisha, instead of annihilating the enemy as per the Israelite king’s suggestion, Elisha commanded the king to respond in kindness—to feed the enemy and send them away. May we see beyond those who are hostile and rebellious, not reciprocating in hostility and vengeance, and respond in kindness and compassion. Only a heart whose eyes have been opened to receive God’s grace can overflow His grace towards others.
Open my eyes so that I may receive kindness from others. Sometimes it’s us whose hearts needs to be opened to receive the kindness of people around us. There are people who have a hard time receiving kindness because they feel they don’t deserve it, or they feel they’re above anyone to receive help. It’s only a deceptive disguise of the pride and false humility in us. God uses people to bestow His goodness to His children.
Imagine having a vision of God himself and instead of focusing on the problems, we focus to live the purpose that God has purposed for us to live. May we seek God wholeheartedly, desperately so He can reveal to us and fulfill in us a full life of one who has seen God.
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