It's that time of the year
It's that time again in local tv-newsdom when they will interview a psychic or a feng-shui expert and asks what "will" happen on the next year (even it's more than two months before the Chinese new year they already talk about year of the what animal). They will present to the viewers what to do to bring in good luck: The usual round fruits and polka dots "according to the experts". Then at the end of the segment they will do a "biglang-kabig" or "biglang-bawi" saying it's ok to do them but what's more important is caution and faith in God with perhaps a minimal airtime interview with a religous leader. This baffles me every time.
Patienty Waiting
Twenty-four months and counting
My love for you grows bigger, deeper
Every minute passing by,
Every smile you grant this weary and undeserving soul
Lord, I have nothing but humble gratitude, solemn praise
For this beautiful thing You have made
May the good Lord bless our hands
As we walk towards the consummation of our love
Till that day when I will finally call you mine
And you call me yours
I will patiently wait
My love, my best friend
Victory of the Lamb
"These will wage war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, because He is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those who are with Him are the called and chosen and faithful."
Revelations 17:14
I like this verse I came across with this morning... In the end of all things, despite our current trials and troubles come retribution. In our hopes and dreams come fulfillment and realization. Because our God is an awesome God, King of all kings. And we will reign with him.
Day in the Life: Laptop Ressurection and Jesus Christ Superstar
Monday. The day after Sunday.
I'm missing Netty right now because she's still out there. Actually I miss her more than before.
Today finally wraps up my laptop makeover. Finally my notebook was literally portable again. I got my newly "refilled" batteries in Amorsolo. It was just through an accidental visit to a laptop shop that I discovered that dead Li-on laptop batteries can still be "refilled" and you don't have to buy an 8k-ish brand-new and branded batteries. So after a few weeks I have my laptop good as new: got a new casing and paint job, new batteries, got a new wi-fi adapter (I lost my old one), a new external DVD writer (the built in doesn't work anymore). I also bought this thin rubber sheet you put over your laptop keyboard so it doesn't accumulate dust (I saw this on one of my client's notebook). Now I'm thinking of having a router at home and have a cool sticker on top of my notebook.
Class today at Theo 2 was a bit laid back. I feel that my prof's a bit unenthusiastic about our class because we're only five. But I do get him and appreciate when he teaches us. We're still on the topic of Christology. And it's timely that I have this subject because somehow it adds to my current season of revisitation of my faith and who I am as a person in this world, where is my place in this world. After 30 minutes of lecture, we watched Jesus Christ Superstar which I haven't seen before this. Interesting and I would like to see it again in detail because at that time we were watching from a laptop and I don't have my glasses with me (I lost it again after our outreach in PGH).
I almost forgot that stint we had at PGH last Saturday. After a month of promotion and solicitations we were able to raise twice our target so the kids and their families were quite blessed. I'm glad that it was a success. It was participated by more or less 30 people from our church. And we were able to minister to 90 children from the pediatric ward. That day there was a bit of mishap when we were scheduled together with another group but its all good, Jolibee was even their to spread some holiday cheer. What's important is that the children are blessed.
On a sad note, Sunday morning before I preached on the Valenzuela pulpit we were given a shocking news that a member who goes there and I know personally had died of heart attack that evening. So most of the church was grieving. But when you try to look on a positive side, good thing he knew the Lord, especially knowing his story of turning away and returning again to Him, I know that finally he is somewhere better than here. So good for him.
"You made me like this." Have you ever thought of that? Heard it from a movie I saw recently. I could say a couple of litanies that starts with that. It's easy to say words like that. Psychology even justifies that our environment molds us to become the person that we've become, to conform in order to survive. It's easy to say and put off the burden off our shoulders and hold the other person accountable for your misery. I even worry that because I'm hypothetically in this environment that I would become the people I loathe. But. But I choose. I choose not to be liable to my past. My past does not and will not dictate my present and my future. I choose. I choose not to surrender to mediocrity and corruption of the will. Succumbing to the flow of circumstances because it's unevitable is unacceptable. Nothing is impossible. Impossible is nothing. My children will not suffer what I suffered. I am who I am so I will give my descendants a better Life. I. Choose. My Destiny.
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