The Lord will cause you to rejoice

Ezra 4:24, "Then the work of the house of God in Jerusalem ceased and it stopped ..."

Ezra 6:22, "The Lord has caused them to rejoice ..."

The rebuilding of the house of God has began after years of exile and destruction of the nation. But it did meet some harsh opposition. And soon for a time the work of rebuilding it--which for them mean that God himself was at work--had to stop. They would have felt so discouraged at that time. That's what you feel when you have a goal and somehow life puts a lot of obstacles between it and you so that you struggle to reach it. But it is God who makes beautiful in His time, His time table. "Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning" (Psalm 30:5). The Lord never forgets his promises. He will cause us to rejoice once again. The work of the house of Lord maybe stopped, but the Lord does not stop working. Soon the hammers and saws will be lifted up for its purpose. Have faith, trust, in the One who visits the promises of old. He does not fail. The Lord will cause you to rejoice once more.

Day in The Life

1AM. Not so much sleepy now after I slept for sometime after we came home from SM North. We had a simple Fathers Day lunch and parents went on to do some weekly grocery shopping.

Finally I was able to settle my schooling. For some time I was loathing about not being able to graduate on time. But somehow after so much struggling my belief in trusting the Lord who makes all things beautiful challenged me. Finally I have accepted in my heart that I will not graduate on time as I wanted. Took three subjects which I believe will be fairly managable. Next semester will take a rest because I would have completed my 2nd semester subjects. And what's great is that I will have those few remaining months before my wedding to really prepare. I will spend my honeymoon without any classes or papers in mind which is good (so I can focus on my wife then :) Then June 2011 will be my last year with two remaining subjects. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

I am enjoying a great deal in the challenge of leading our church's small groups and discipleship department. Small groups are weekly gatherings that happen in various areas among our church community and their friends for the purpose of catching up and mutual encouragement. Discipleship is training and equipping people who say they are Christian to live the real Christian life. This week we will be opening a new small group in Makati for the young adults of our community and their friends and workmates. I hope that it would be great. If you're around Makati Wednesday 6PM dinner time you are most welcome to join us.

Life has its ups and downs, but life is good. I can see, I can walk. I am loved, I can love back. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

Kairos moment

[Was written the Friday before posting]

Luke 19:44, "Because you did not recognize the time of your visitation ..."

Jesus wept for Jerusalem and warned her of her destruction because she did not recognize (to respond favorably) the time of her visitation from the Lord. Such is true in our life (I would like to believe that this pertains to all aspects of our life) that there are pockets of vistation that come our way. They are not just mere conincidence of opportunities--but such are divinely appointed. The kairos moment--the time opportune in Greek. A time when the Lord offers an invitation to walk in faith with Him. Sometimes the destination may not be in sight or at a distance, the path may be hard-beaten. These are times when trust and faith come at the forefront.

Visitations are time-bound. Like a limited time offer (but not too cheap). Kairos moments comes for a season and soon that season will pass. And failing to recognize and respond could mean lost opportunities, disobedience, demise, deterioration, stagnation, mediocrity and regret. I don't want to fail in recognizing and responding to every kairos moment that comes my way. Lord stir my heart to see what you see. I must lay aside those that entagle me and make me unfit for the race.

Being faithful in small things

[Written Friday before this posting]

Luke 19:17, "Well done, good slave, because you have been faithful in a very little thing, you are to be in authority over ten cities."

I heard one commentary that relates this passage in terms of our life on earth being the "very little thing" and our life in eternity with Jesus the reward for who we lived on earth. Indeed my life today is just a "very little thing" compared to eternity that I will spend--with or apart from Christ. Therefore, my destination will be determined by what I do today. I cannot arrive to where I want to go by just think about it or wish about it. My destiny is determined by my choices and habits today. I need to start developing good habits. According to Rick Warren, a habit is developed in six weeks: three weeks to get used to it, three more weeks to become a habit. Bill Hybles have the same concept about accomplishing tasks.

Authority. I believe as I have read before that as Jesus' authority compels us to obey through His love and influence over us (and not through control), so shall such authority be given to those the servant who is faithful in the small things. I don't know what would that be like after this life. But if that is the reward for being faithful. Let it be so.

It's time to get my life together now.

It was God from the beginning

2 Chronicles 9:23, "All the kings of th earth were seeking the presence of Solomon to hear his wisdom which God put in his heart."

Before we become somebody, it is God who establishes us. It was God who gave wisdom to Solomon so that men are drawn to him. WIthout God, he was nothing. Without God, I am nothing. I am a nobody without Christ.

He came to him

Luke 10:34, "When he saw him, he felt compassion, and came to him ..."

He saw. My eyes are open and they see the suffering of a hurting world. What am I doing about what I see? I feel compassion, even tear up at the sight of the oppression of the weak and the neglected but to what fruit? Such feelings are fleeting when not expressed in works. Faith without works is dead. He came to him. It was his initiative. The other did not ask for help or mercy, but he came to him. He did what was right and noble. Forgive your servant when I see and feel but do not come to aid. At those times of dire needs may your Holy Spirit spur me into action.

Self-contemplation about not graduating on time

Why are you downcast?

Because I'm not graduating on time.

Not graduating on time.
What's your cosmic explanation of this?

God has a plan.
Maybe he wants to give me some slack so I could focus on working more for my wedding.

I feel that you can't accept that? I feel there's some resistance.

Because that wasn't the original plan. That's not what I had in mind. I thought I already had it together, i.e., graduating on time so I could move to a new season of ministry. It just sucks that it wouldn't go as I want it to go.

You know that life does not work that way.

Yes I know that. (long pause).

You know but you still won't let go.
Where is God in all of this?

He is aware. I just thought WE had it going, that was OUR plan.

Hmm. Even if its a joint plan, doesn't God have the right to do His thing for your life? Doesn't God have the slight advantage of knowing everything. Knowing your present situation and your future goings. Didn't He promised that you are not forgotten, and that you are valuable in His eyes. That even if you are not graduating on time He is still in control and in authority to speak beauty into your life. To say it plainly, you need to surrender yourself to Him and trust Him for this season of your life. You said you wanted adventure with Him. Isn't this one of the adventures--not knowing what to expect, what's next.

My mind says yes, my heart is still down. Lord, help me believe. Help me be at peace.

Be still and know that He is God.

Summer 2009 in a nutshell

Morning. I'm here today at Neri's house. Neri is Richard girlfriend who has become also a part of BFGFC Youth. She is leaving for work in Australia by the end of the month. We just had a hearty breakfast prepared by some of the YA. Last night we had an all-night karaoke night, but it was I who dozed off earlier.�

It's been a while since I had updated this blog about my life. Summer has been GREAT. Really thankful to God for the opportunities He gave me on my way. I was able to minister to the young people in various places in various ways. I was able to speak to the young people in the AG district of Occidental Mindoro. Met a couple of dedicated youth leaders there. Also was able to speak at a youth camp in Tagaytay. I was able to minister with my fellow ASCM school mates, some of them just graduated.

May was really an awesome time for me in ministry. ONEJOB hands down. ONEJOB is our national general assembly of our church (Assemblies of God,, and I was given the privelege of coordinating the youth section of the event. There were about 500 young people who came from different parts of the nation. There were highs and lows but its all good. I grew up in this event as a leader. Met awesome youth leaders and youth pastors who were doing their thing in their part of the Philippines. It gave me a unique view of what the Lord is doing with the AG youth in our nation.

After ONEJOB, stayed for a week in Manila (failing to do any substantial work because of ONEJOB afterglow), then I was headed for Baguio for AIYS (Asian Institute for Youth Studies). AIYS happens every 4 years. It's their third time to do it. I was part of the 2nd batch (2004). AIYS is very dear to me because it is here that I received my calling to serve God. So coming back to AIYS brought back several memories and continued to affirm my calling as a youth minister. AIYS cannot be mentioned without Ty and Cina who were the pioneers of this (They go back to 1996 when they started their student missions in the Philippines and Asia Pacific!). AIYS is bigger now with more than 100 leaders from 11 or more countries from the Asia Pacific region. Met new friends. I almost forgot to mention the main thing why this was so memorable. Because this time I was given a slot to teach on Internet and Youth Ministry which I was a bit nervous because this was my first time to teach to an international community, but it's always a good start (I will get no where if I don't start somewhere right.)

With Summer 2009 behind me now a new season comes. I'm back in my work chair catching up on work I lost last summer. I'm also coming back to school for my last year. I was thinking of not enrolling this year because of the need to work more to raise fund for my wedding. But I realized that God will make all things beautiful in the end. He is faithful.�

As for the wedding, it's now in high gear as it's less than eight months to our wedding date. Both of us are growing restless, wanting to be together sooner, but things have to wait for the perfect time. I have this growing sadness (for lack of a lighter term) of finally saying goodbye to singleness (I assume that this is a phase right?) but great anticipation of becoming a newly-wed husband. Last week we had a great time with Kuya Chad & Ate Renee for an informal lunch/coffee time-slash-pre-marriage-counseling and I really got some awesome insights.

Please do pray for me for the following:
+ Strength and stamina for my work, school and ministry
+ Provision for my studies and my wedding
+ Holy Spirit's guidance in preparation for my wedding and decisions I and Netty have to make
+ Opportunities to serve and minister to young people in a long term way, I have something in mind already but still praying for it until its right time

Follow Me

Luke 9:57-62

"The Son of man has nowhere to lay his head ..." -�The home of Christ's disciple is not found on earth, but with God where complete rest only takes place. "God you made us for yourself. And our hearts will be restless until it finds rest in You" (Augustine). This means I am not to build my house where moth and rust destroy, but invest on treasures that are imperishable. I am not to build my empires or my kingdoms, but His kingdom alone.

"Allow the dead to bury their own dead, but as for you go and proclaim everywhere the kingdom of God." - The disciple of Christ should not busy himself with the affairs of the world, but busy himself with tasks that leads to the glory of Christ. In God's house we find many vessels, uses for both noble and ignoble purposes. Both will be tested when the time of comes.

"No one after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." - The disciple of Christ never loses focus on the task at hand. He never regrets jumping on the plow. He never looks back on greatness that he could have become if only he did not choose the humble path of following Christ. Indeed there is no vision for those who look back. To those who do this Jesus said, "he is not fit" for the different greatness at hand. "Whoever is least among you, this is the one who is great."

For she loved much

Luke 7:47, "Her sins have been forgiven for she loved much, but he who is forgiven little loves little."

Lord, let me empty myself, teach me to be a child before you.

Glorious flaming batallions

2 Kings 6:16, "Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them."

The enemy has geared up his armies to destroy the purity of His servants. Just as when Elisha's servant feared when he saw the hoard of enemies that are againts them I am faced with fears and doubts for my endurance to walk righteously before the Lord. But it is you Lord who opens the eyes of Your servant that he may see the glorious flaming batallions of the Lord. I am protected. I am safe. God is my refuge, an ever-present help in times of trouble. Therefore I will not fear. Lord, open the eyes of my heart that I may see. I will not be moved. I will not be shaken.�

Double Portion

2 Kings 2:9, "Please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me."

This is my prayer Lord that you fill me with a double portion of the anointing of those people who have come before me. Double portion of Thy power. Also and much more, a double portion of Thy humility, character and integrity. A double portion of purity of my mind and body. Lord, let it be that those who would come after me have the same thing. Let me become a seed that dies so many more seeds will be produced.