Color of the Day

Last Tuesday night I and Netty went out to dinner. I got out off class quite early so I got time to get a haircut. And when it was time to pick her up at the clinic, we were wearing the same color of shirt. Now, blue, black or something dark would be fine. It was not the first time we find ourselves wearing the same color of clothes on a date, we find ourselves wearing yellow one time. This time I was wearing baby pink and she was wearing brighter shade of pink! I know some people would perceive this as something cute. And I know a couple who took it as a 'sign' that they were meant for each other. It was funny and awkward at the same time when we got to the mall 'cause you would feel everyone's looking at you. I could imagine people thinking, "Of all the colors they would agree on wearing, pink pa." But nevertheless, after a while the consciousness wears off and we had a great time. We had Thai dinner and a regular stop at DQ. It was all good.

There are days when most people that you would meet and come across with are wearing the same color of shirt. It was like that yesterday. I took the train to Recto and there were a handful of people wearing the same color as mine--yellow!

Last Saturday's UDM Event

Last Saturday we finally conducted the Spiritual Formation Seminar with the students of the College of Nursing in Universidad de Manila. Truly the Lord moved all throughout the program and even before it was very clear that He was at work as we prepared and interceded for this first major event of Firebrands UDM. Everything just fell into place. It was supposed to be held a week before with "everything in place." We've already invited a resource speaker and an American mission team will be doing an evangelistic presentation afterwards. But the Lord had other plans. So He delayed it for another week and with that delay we lost both guest speaker and team. That time I was quite curious what He's up His sleeves. I know it's always better because He's already seen it. So I just trusted and waited as time unfolded. Finally the go signal from the school arrives. We have seven days to prepare. Everyone's up in their feet, excited and expectant.

It's very true that when God is going to do something good. The enemy will try all his best to destroy the faith of His people. It was the seven days where we felt the hand of the enemy trying to discourage us and put us down. First day of the week one of our core leaders called to inform me that she got sore-eyes. Another had high-fever that she didn't go to work all week. Middle of the week the one with sore-eyes called to tell me that her two sisters also caught sore-eyes. These leaders have a major movement in UDM Carecells. And because of the weather, some of us also suffered from cough and flu. It was like a symphony of germs just decided to spring up together on us. Coincidence? I don't think so. During that time God led me to claim Luke 10:19--"I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy. Nothing will harm you"--and trusted by His promises and believed that when the time comes everything will be ready. Meeting one day before event, the weather was not on our side, and a fight breaks loose in the team. We realized what the enemy is trying to do. So we put our tasks aside and worshiped him and prayed as a team. After that the tension faded and we made declarations that charged up the whole team. (I learned doing declarations when I was in Jakarta where one person declares his vision in faith and everyone agrees with an all-out "amen!") Each one made their declarations that really came to pass the day after!

The next morning my brother and I were already at school 7:30AM. We had just had a few hours of sleep from last night. One by one the team arrives. Everyone present--all sickness healed. By 9AM the hall was packed with 250 nursing students from all year levels. Their classes for the whole day were preempted for this seminar. After a quick team prayer our emcees graced the event with an icebreaker. Chi-Alpha Team Recto led by Ptr. Sur, Ate Merla and Joan started the first seminar on "Maximizing Your Learning Power". By 12NN, Firebrands led the second seminar on "Discovering Your Purpose in Life." The students were very responsive and upbeat. By 2PM, we prepare to close with a one-hour evangelistic presentation, but suddenly the admin arrives to inform us that electricity needed to be shut down. It was a scheduled shut down uninformed to us. We pleaded that we be given more time because it was the "main event" of the event. But they only allowed us to wrap it up in 30 minutes. As I informed the team it brought much pressure and stress to us that some attitudes began to show and flare up. I know that God will not allow His Word to be hindered by that. So we just proceeded with an redrafted program praying that we will not be shut down just yet.

We had songs, skits and a testimony. By the end of the last human video "Tomorrow" most students were already ripe, some already in tears. I deliver the gospel challenge and finally when I asked if they would commit their life to Christ, one by one hands were raised in surrender. The place was holy ground. I stood in awe of how God moved in the hearts of the students. We prayed a prayer of acceptance and after that I challenged them to pursue knowing God through follow-up where they will be cared for and grow. We also gave out Book of Hope to each student. Among the 300 books that were prepared, only one was without a recipient.

The next day as we sort the evaluation form, more that 80% students have responded to our challenge to commit their lives to Christ (one of our declarations). Around 50% committed to Carecells. Some will be connected to existing Carecells and we will be birthing 6 new Carecells this week. We still have 49 students who committed on a Saturday Carecell, but we're already thinking of connecting them to a fellowship because each leader has their hands already full. Praise God for this harvest! Also during the event, we were visited by the university's vice president and the department head of the College of Physical Therapy who invited us to conduct the same event in their college ASAP! Praise God for all that He has done!

This week I meditated on Luke 10 where Jesus sends the 72. Jesus said, "The harvest is plenty but the laborers are few. Therefore pray to the Lord of the harvest will send out laborers to the harvest field..." Often times we think that our only obligation is just to pray that others will be called by God to the mission field. But few people continue on reading Jesus' next words, "Go! I AM sending YOU..." He is not asking you to pray for laborers to go, he's commanding you to go yourself. I remember a pastor said, "You are either a missionary or a mission field; a harvester or a harvest field." I rejoice that most of the Firebrands team has owned the vision of reaching young people for Christ and I marvel at how God rewards hearts that cry for his lost children with a bountiful harvest. So I challenge you to go ... now! Another faith milestone that testifies to God's faithfulness. Truly NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE with God.

Prayer requests
  • Please pray for the successful birth of the 6 new Carecells this week.
  • Please pray for my strength spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally.
  • Please pray for our leaders that they will continue to be passionate for young people and that God will strengthen each one to fulfill His work for each of us.
  • Please pray for possibilities of starting our Youth Service.

Cruising the Fast Lane

Rainy days has finally started. I like it because I can cuddle into bed and put on a blanket and be covered all over because its chilly. Few people know that I'm "scared" of cold, just like a cat. Nowadays the warm and cold weathers are like tugging each other so people are getting sick. I myself am experiencing a little throat irritation...

Anyway, things have been fast-paced lately. School and ministry. School is great. I'm really enjoying this semester. Yesterday had a class with Dr. T, which finally I was able to come to his class after two consecutive absences--first was because of my Indonesia trip and second because of the flat tire! I am really blessed in his class. The way he teaches narrative is very engaging. He always tell us that he teaches differently that's why some people get weirdoed with him. But actually I really get his method. Did I tell you that Dr. T became a devoted student of George E. Ladd during his Fuller Seminary days? So I was telling a friend that we are grand-students of Ladd. Hehe. In my Hebrew 3 class, it's very cool to read Genesis in Hebrew. But learning new insights about the texts that we're reading pays off the most.

Finally I got to settle today at home. Wednesday is my new day-off. I just go for bible study in our Valenzuela church in the evening.

After much prayer and hope, our youth ministry finally got a major breakthrough in our Universidad de Manila outreach (whose name was reverted again to City College of Manila). On Saturday, we are going to conduct a Spiritual Formation seminar from 9-3PM. We'll be doing Maximizing Your Learning Power, Discovering Your Purpose in Life Seminar and an Inspirational Challenge (Extra challenge) at the end of the seminars. The dean of the nursing college who goes to ICS, Netty's church, have been supporting us since day one buy allowing us to conduct bible study in the campus so that we have much presence now in the campus. Netty herself have been a blessing to me when we minister to students there. We're currently doing three campus Carecells in UDM (Weds, 6PM; Fri, 3PM and Sat, 3PM) and praying that in these cellgroups leaders will be born and more Carecells will be formed.

Please pray with us that hearts will be turned and surrendered to our Lord during this event. Even now the enemy is trying to hinder our work by weighing some of our volunteers down with sicknesses and evil visitations. But as I pray and meditated on His Word, he reminds me of Luke 10:19, "I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you." Praise God for His mighty promises!

Life in a Nutshell

Here are some random thoughts thats been going on with me in the past few weeks:

Yesterday while I was driving along North Harbor on the way to my 2-5 class. I caught a flat tire. It was the first time that it happened to me on the road, so I was quite scared. Good thing my dad taught me one time how to change a flat tire. Changing the front-left tire along North Harbor would be suicide because of the 18-wheelers. So I went inside a pier to find a suitable place to change it. Somehow I managed to lift the car with a jack, but couldn't unscrew the tire, so halfway through the process the porters in the pier came to give a hand. It was like midday so it was very hot and I was sweating. After they got the tire replaced. I drove to a vulcanizing shop to have the tire vulcanized and replaced again and had the car washed since it was impossible to catch up to class. This is my second consecutive time to be absent in Dr. T's class.

My subjects are starting to get demanding. Especially my Hebrew Book Study class. Our professor is intimidating. We are expected to read, translate and parse a chapter of Genesis in Hebrew every meeting. I'm enjoying it actually, but the pressure plus the intimidation sometimes are nerve-wracking. Originally this was my Thursday PM class but it was moved to Monday PM. I kinda lost my rest day which is Monday because of this and I'm slowly feeling exhaustion weighing down on my body in the morning.

Finally I was able to watch Transformers with Netty last Friday. A total guy movie. The visuals are too cool to handle. It became dragging when the Autobots came with their colorful bodies especially when you put Optimus Prime and Bumblebee together like a children's party. Human supporting characters--too comical and stereotyped (The black hip-hop nerd did it.) Forget my rants. The movie is still awesome. Perhaps movie of the year. Can't wait for the proposed sequels.