Topic: Praying Bold Prayers
Story of Elijah vs. Prophets of Baal - 1 Kings 18:17-40
What Bold Prayer does ...
1. BOLD PRAYER MAKES GOD KNOWN - Elijah's prayer was so bold that for him it was all or nothing. He put all his bet on God, and God did not disappoint. It was God's altar that He set on fire, not Baal's. Pray bold prayers for your campus, prayers fit for a mighty answering God.
2. BOLD PRAYER MARKS GOD'S SERVANTS - God's servants are marked by their intimacy to listen, hear and pray God's will. Elijah's prayer was not like the prophets of Baal, it was short and simple, but earnest. As God's servants in the campus we should be marked by a passion to intercede in behalf of our classmates and campus.
3. BOLD PRAYER MOVES PEOPLE'S HEARTS BACK TO GOD - God's answer to Elijah's prayer turned the hearts of the people from sin and idolatry and back to God. As you pray and share Jesus to your friends and classmates, believe that God will move their hearts back to Him.
Elijah got his prayer answered by God in the form of FIRE and RAIN:
- Fire represents God's presence
- Fire represents God's victory (over the prophets of Baal)
- Fire represents God's delight (to Elijah's sacrifice)
- Rain represents the ending of a curse (drought)
- Rain represents the return of God's favor
- Rain represents a new awakening and revival
When was the last time you prayed a BOLD prayer to God? Or our prayers too safe and small, it offends the King of the Universe?
So pray BOLD PRAYERS. Do not quit so easily. Pray Until Something Happens!
This 90s praise song by Alvin Slaughter called God's Gonna Do It Again tells about the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal
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