For the complete photo album, please visit our Chi Alpha page in Facebook look for "Chi Alpha Philippines".
We arrived in Santiago City in the morning and stayed at FAME Church. After a few hours of rest we set for Cauayan City, an hour trip from Santiago to visit Isabela State University--Cauayan campus, where our Chi Alpha members are waiting. It was a great time of fellowship and sharing encouragement to them. Praise God because the group is really growing.
The guy in black kneeling in front is Ptr. Jomer de Isidro, the coordinator for XA-ISU-Cauayan. He is also a local AG pastor in the city. Got a passionate heart for young people and students. He is sort of a legend in the campus because almost everyone knows him.
Another group photo at the campus field. Ptr Jomer says 70% of the students that make up Chi Alpha came to know Christ in the campus.
The weather was hot and humid, so after ISU they took us to a small canteen on the side of the highway. But don't let looks fool you. They serve the best Pancit Cabagan in Cauayan! We tried Batil Patong, a version of Cabagan with egg. From the left there's Ate Khit, Nette, me, Ptr. Jomer, Ptr. Joses of Santiago, and Ptr. Christian of Bacnor, both leading their own Chi Alpha groups in their locale.
Friday, we visited Sefton, the district bible school where we met Ptr Glenn, Ate Dayang's husband. We would later go to Roxas to visit them as well. The couple on the right is Ptr. Lawrence and Ptra. Joy. Turns out they were former members in ICS and Ate Joy was Nette's Sunday School teacher. Small world .. They gave us a short tour around the compound. The building at the back is the Fire Center, the main gathering/fellowship hall.
It was an unexpectedly long trip to Roxas. Actually it only took 1.5 hours by van, but since the route was new it felt longer. We visited Kuya Glenn and Ate Dayang's place in Roxas. Ate Dayang is the former youth pastor of ICS, and has moved to Roxas after getting married. She is soon to give birth to baby Zurielle. It was a great dinner fellowship in the evening.
After dinner they took us around the town center via tricycle. Ate Dayang sits more comfortably at the back of the motorcycle than inside the cab.
Saturday was the main event. The Chi Alpha District Kick of Rally was held in FAME Church with youth groups from different churches around Isabela, Ifugao and Quirino joining us. Ptr. Joses the youth pastor leads the Chi Alpha group in Northeastern Colleges, just a few walks from the church. Though they have just started this semester, the group is vibrant and growing.
Sharing the vision of movements of multiplying disciples is always a personal joy of mine. Students listen attentively as I share about our Student: Missionary campaign.
It is only in this chapter that we saw XA blocks like this. It's a great idea and a great photo opp piece. Thanks XA Luzon and our local XA leaders for making this trip memorable.