God as the Law Giver
Some of us would think today that the laws that God gave Israel were too long, too detailed, or even weird.
But if you think about it, Israel were slaves back in Egypt for 430 years (That's more than our 300 years of colonization from Spain). Israel lived under Egyptian law where they were viewed as slaves--dispensable and without dignity. And now that the Lord is bringing them out of that world, they wouldn't have a clue of what it means to live in freedom. God had to give them new system for living that not only gave them order, but gave them dignity as a human being. Exodus 12 & 13, provided new laws and ordinances for them to observe as they begin to exist as a free nation (more will be added to them in the succeeding chapters).
This makes me appreciate God as our Law Giver. We were also slaves once, operating under the law of sin and death, but when we found freedom in Christ, we now operate under the law of the Spirit. This freedom doesn't mean that we can sin all we want, but it is a true kind of freedom that enables us to say no to ungodliness and live holy lives. I am reminded of David in the Psalms when he said that "the law of the law is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple." (1) To operate under a kingdom system where the law-giver is God who is transcendent, and not just another human being, defines a firm and unchanging picture of what is morally right and wrong. To deny a divine Law Giver discredits the moral laws of our society. (2) God's commands when followed will give us dignity as a human being and children of God. God knows what's best for us.