Matthew McConaughey on faith

Another interview I found interesting. I still have a hard time spelling his surname I had to copy and paste it. I loved his recent work for Dallas Buyers Club where he won an Oscar, and the recent Interstellar movie with Christopher Nolan which blows my mind. It's hard to come by for a Hollywood actor to talk about faith.

Does your family go to church every Sunday?
Yeah. In Texas. It's non-denominational. It's based in the faith that Jesus is the son of God, that he died for our sins, but many different denominations come in.

Was that a return for you, or had you been going all along?
As soon as we had children, I was like, "You know what? That was important to my childhood." Even if it was just for the ritual of giving an hour and a half on Sunday to yourself, to pray and to think about others, even if you're tired or whatever. I noticed how much I missed it and needed it. It's a time for me to take inventory of my last week, to look at what's in the future and say my thank-you's and think about what I can work on to do better.

When you talk about God, do you imagine him as...
The Prrime Moovah! The Waave Maker!

But it's an identifiable presence? Someone who can hear what you're saying?
Yes. And somebody who can help answer my questions. Someone who has a hand in all of this miracle we call life, which I believe is a miracle. But, see, at the same time, I completely believe in evolution.

Do you believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ?
[long pause] Well, it's a heaven of a story, ain't it?

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