5 Leadership and spiritual insights from Exodus 17:8-15

Someone cautiously observed that after victory comes adversity. And this is true with the Israelites, they just experienced a dramatic victory over the Egyptians. And as they continue to travel through the desert en route to the Promise Land, soon the experience another attack this time from the Amalekites. Moses deploys young Joshua and his men to fight, while Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up a hill to find a bird's-eye view of the battle. And as long as Moses held up his staff with his hands, they are winning. They held on until victory was won that day. Here are 5 leadership and spiritual insights we as leaders can glean from this story.

1. Successful leaders provide leadership and spiritual insight especially in times of crisis (v. 9). When war broke out, Moses provided leadership. He assumed full responsibility for his people. As leaders, we are to provide leadership and direction for the people we lead, especially in times of crisis. We do not anymore make decisions that is only for our own good, but for the good of the body. Moses most importantly provided spiritual insight over the crisis. Christian leaders are first kingdom servants. We do not lead on our own, but we follow and wait upon the Master's orders. That's why it is very important for us to be faithfully connected to God in Word and prayer, because God communicates His visions and plans through His faithful servants.

2. Successful leaders focus on the tasks that only they can do and know which tasks can be delegated to others (v. 9). Moses did the things that only he could do, ie intercede before God in behalf of Israel, and he delegated the task that others can do, ie delegated the physical fighting to Joshua and his men. The most important role that the leader can take is not always the front line. As leaders, we should know the things that can be delegated, and the things that only we can do.

3. Successful leaders know the crucial role of prayer in winning the battle (v. 11). Israel's victory depended on Moses' commitment to intercede. As long as Moses held his hands up, they were winning. But when he started to lower his hands, they are overrun. This shows us an important insight on the important role of prayer in experiencing breakthroughs. The more we commit to prayer, the more that victory is sure.

4. Successful leaders leverage the value of teamwork and accountability (v. 12). Victory is won through team work. Thank God that Moses brought along Aaron and Hur. Because when he got tired, he had them to raise him up so he could do what he's supposed to do. Fact: leaders get tired too. And we need support it bring everybody to the finish line. Never underestimate the value of your teammates. This also highlights the important of trusted friendships whom you can rely on and be accountable to.

5. Successful leaders celebrate and give credit to Whom credit is due (v. 14). After the victory has been won, God commanded Moses to record it. As important as interceding before and during the battle, it is important to celebrate and remember the victory that God has given to us. God stressed to make sure that Joshua hears it, so that he will not think that it is by human strength that they won the battle but through the Lord. Moses builds an altar and gives God a new name--The Lord is my Banner. As God brings us to breakthroughs and victories, He reveals Himself and allows us to experience Him in new ways we've never known. Never forget to offer it back to the Lord as worship and recognition that without His help, none of these will be possible.

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