The Lord is our banner

What a wonderful revelation by God to us that He is our banner, Jehovah Nissi (Exodus 17:15). Whenever armies go to war, the banner serves as a visual reminder of His guiding presence.

Bible Gateway commentary reads, "The Lord is my banner. The Hebrew word translated “banner” underlies “staff” in v. 9 and is used for the “pole” on which the bronze serpent was later placed (Num. 21:8). Since “banner” suggests cloth to us, this connection is lost. A spear could serve as a standard in battle, with or without bits of cloth tied to it. Later, a staff might have a device on it to mark the rallying point for troops. In the ancient world, these were sometimes images or signs of the gods. Moses’ staff is the ensign to which Joshua’s army could look and that symbolized God’s saving power. Moses declares that God Himself is the Standard, the Ensign of His people."
For me, our Lord our banner reminds me of these things:

1. We are at war - As believers in the world, we are at war, with the enemy, sin and its effects. Paul says that we are at war against spiritual forces of evil (2 Corinthians 10:3, Ephesians 6:12), but Christ has equipped us with "the spiritual armor of God" that can "demolish strongholds" (Ephesians 6:13-17).

2. The Banner represents whose kingdom we belong - The banner represents whose kingdom we belong. As believers we belong to the kingdom of God.

3. The Banner rallies us forward - The banner serves as the rallying point for troops to advance toward enemy lines. As believers Jehovah Nissi gives us the confidence to face every battle in faith and victory.

4. The Banner restores our strength - In the midst of the battle, the banner reminds us of our identity and purpose. When we are overwhelmed with life's challenges, we look to Jesus, as the source of our strength, identity, and purpose. In the book of Songs, Christ's (represented by the lover pursuing his beloved) banner over us is love (Songs 2:4). His love us the strongest force that motivates us to do His will.

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