Forty-five more minutes before the second day of year 2010. Time have flown so fast in 2009. Looking back, I am ponder upon the good things that the Lord has done for me and my family. Indeed the Lord has not slack in keeping His promises.
It's 15 days now before my wedding. These few weeks this has been the main agenda of my life right now. It's interesting that we have been preparing a years worth of time, money and effort for what would last for only four hours. But it really depends on how you view it really. It's either you are preparing for a four hours worth of celebrations or a priceless and lifetime worth of memory.
I am guarding myself from having stress and worry get the best of me. One obvious issue is in the aspect of finances. We're praying that God will grant us favor these next few days as we gather up the funds for the wedding. I'm also quite stressed about the preparation aspects of the wedding, especially with the guestlist and family dynamics. Now I've learned that you are not just celebrating for yourself, but your family especially your parents get a slice of it as well (if you come from a Filipino-Chinese family). I remember talking to my friend Criz Ah before, and he advised me about developing my guestlist to always consider the opinion of my parents. I thought this was a small issue, but I was wrong. There are folks my parents are acquainted to whom I practically have no connections with whatsoever. But for the sake of peace, they have to be invited.
We're in the Last Days as I would say it. Last days from being single that is. And despite the ruckus in the wedding preparations, you have to learn to appreciate every experience of the moment because it comes only once in our lives. Something that takes a lot of skills. But thank God for His goodness by providing us family and friends who help us keep ourselves together by encouraging us and helping us with the preparations.
As I look back at how God put this love story together I can't help but be in wonder and awe of His providence to us. Of how it was just at the right time and the right place and the right friendships that God brought us together. Who would have thought that that encounter in Baguio almost wouldn't have happened if we had slightly made a different choice than the once we have made. Three years. Wow. That's efficient.
2010 would be a season of adjustments. Netty and I adjusting with our new life together. Us adjusting to the other spouse's family. Netty adjusting to my family and home and work and church. Me adjusting and balancing between Nette and my parents. And us adjusting to our new place. You don't plan on your own now, now you make decisions together. I've realized that's the price of happiness. It's submitting to one another willingly and cheerfully or you lose your happiness altogether.
My body's feeling a bit fatigue today because I stayed up the whole night planning for our house. This has been in my mind lately and I'm quite excited to design and renovate our place. Here is one of the images:
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