Guys, today is the most productive day. My arms are aching from muscle pain because I played badminton tonight. And I just got home. But before I retire, I would like to take this opportunity to give God the glory. I will right the events that transpired today in outline form for now:
7AM - Woke up around 7AM, met client in MRT Buendia about project.
9AM - Went to school, library to cram on my Personal Life Management paper.
11AM - Attended chapel service, led Scripture reading and opening prayer. Worship service was awesome. Ma'am Marcia passed her thesis for doctorate that she gave us a blow-out.
12NN - Continued cramming on my 15-page paper in the prayer room. Realized it was already 30 minutes before class, and barely half of the paper completed. I stopped doing it and tried to look for my professor to ask for a grace period.
2PM - Class, I was nervous because I have nothing to pass. Apparently there were 3 of us who would not be able to pass. Talked to my professor, he wants it on his desk until next Thursday. Score will be deducted for late paper.
5PM - Went to Glorietta 4 with Mutya, Jo and Erene to watch "Don't Give Up on Us" by Piolo and Juday after a dare to watch a Tagalog flick last night in YM conference.
8PM - Left Makati to go to Timog Avenue, my childhood buddy and I will be playing badminton with his sister and his British friend. I sucked at the game. Everyone paired up to me lost. But it was ok, it was so kind of his friend that he taught me some moves.
12MN - Dinner in Baang Cafe in Tomas Morato. I praise God that I was able to share my testimony to them. And they are quite receptive to it. His sister is already a Christian. So on Monday and Thursday we will play badminton again. They also wanted to gather a Bible Study group (when I offered them). Perhaps in two weeks we will start discussing PDL.
3AM - after much catching up and chit chats. I went home.
Praise God, praise God!!!