Just got home. Quite tired. I came from school. Today was our Drama Festival for Gospel and Acts subject. I felt I wasn't able to contribute because I avoided an acting part instead I volunteered as technical and props person. I sucked at doing both. We were only composed of 7 people. Seconds before the curtains opened my computer hanged from the connection of the LCD, scratching the video and powerpoint intros that I made - it wasn't shown, plus the people were like mocking a steady blue light. I just ended up playing impromtu stage music and closing song. In retrospect, I believe our entry is still competitive, but its my contribution that I'm ranting about. I know some of my groupmates were pissed at me because I wasn't fulfilling my roles so I apologized to them after. I'm just thankful that it is over.

I'm not really good in acting. I don't like being involved in one. But once in a while like pushes me over its fence. I remember in highschool playing Shakespeare but received negative results though I gave it my best. It was just there were people better than me. I acknowledge that. Drama projects at OT class were another thing I don't like, but have to do it for the grade. I know it's just isn't my element. Just let me play in a band or something or plan an event.

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