Seven "Theses" about the Sabbath

In the letter of Paul to the Galatians he addresses a problem concerning some of the brethren are getting confused by a new teaching, that Jesus is not enough for them to obtain salvation, but they must adhere to the Mosaic Law of circumcision in order to seal the deal--entry to heaven's gates. Paul says, "Man is not justified by the works of the Law but through faith in Christ Jesus, so that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the Law." (Gal 2:16).

In this post I will address the idea of seventh day worship, like circumcision was part of Old Testament law or the Mosaic Law. (What is seventh day worship?) Here are seven reasons why I don't believe that the fourth commandment on the Ten Commandments does not imply strict compliance to Saturday worship today (in no particular order):
  1. Because now there are only two commands. Because Jesus already summed up the whole law in two: (1) Love the Lord your God which is the greatest commandment, and (2) love your neighbor as yourself (Mt 22:36-40).

  2. Because today is a period of grace and freedom from the Law. Galatians say that "it was for freedom that Christ has set us free, no longer to be subject to the yoke of slavery" (Gal 5:1) (hey, that's a song!). In another portion of Galatians it says, "for the fruit of the Spirit is love ... against such things there is no law" (Gal 5:22-23). The law that stumbles us toward despair because everyone has fallen short of God's standards has already been replaced by a period of grace through Jesus.

  3. Because Jesus already reinterpreted the Law. Because Jesus taught that the essence of the law matters than literal interpretation. For example, the Mosaic Law of "thou shalt not murder" (Ex 20:13) was reinterpreted by Jesus to thou shalt not murder even as you plot hate towards your brother (Mt 5:22-23). "thou shalt not commit adultery" (Ex 20:14) into thou shalt not commit adultery even as you look lustfully towards your sister (Mt 5:27-28). Note that he begins his discourse with "you have heard it was said", not the past tense. And then he reinterprets the law with this new phrase, "But I tell you the truth". Thus, I believe that keeping the Sabbath holy today is honoring God's command of setting aside a day for rest and worship.

  4. Because our righteousness is bound by faith and is beyond law. Because the Mosaic Law are designed for the Israelite nation (Ex 20:1-2, Deut 5:1). As children of Abraham we are beyond the Mosaic Law (Rom 4:16, Gal 3:7). Abraham was beyond the Mosaic Law. Abraham is not an Israelite. The word Israelite itself determines to whom the nation was attributed--Jacob or Israel by God's rename (Gen 32:28). Israel was only the grandson of Abraham. Therefore, Abraham cannot be an Israelite, instead we could say that Israel or Jacob through whom the Israelite nation comes from, is an Abraham-ite. Abraham was not declared righteous by the Law, (1) because the Mosaic Law didn't exist until Moses' time, and (2) Genesis and Romans both say that Abraham was declared righteous because he believed in God or he had faith in God and not by the Law (Gen 15:6, Rom 4:3, Read Romans 4) . Paul writes to the Roman Jews that we are children not of the law but of Abraham, thus we are free from the Mosaic Law (Rom 4:16). It is true that Jesus quoted from the Law, but (1) the New Testament hasn't existed yet therefore the Law served as God's commands for Him, but (2) He challenged these commands in obeying the underlying purpose rather than the physical command (as in previous reason) and (3) when He quotes it, it becomes a new Jesus command by itself.

  5. Because it is practical. Because if this is so, our weekend workforce (those who need to work on weekends hitting Sabbath) don't have a chance to obey this command, no matter how sincere they worship God.

  6. Because it is liberating. We need to evaluate ourselves does the concept of "7th-day worship". Does it allow me to experience the freedom from the law which Christ died for? Or is it leading me towards legalism and self-attained righteousness through works? Read Galatians. The Judaizers addressed in the Galatian letter are promoting Jesus plus law (circumcision) formula equals salvation but Paul vehemently bashes this idea because Jesus alone saves.) Didn't the Bible commanded us to worship God every day, every time? Didn't the early church of Acts met together everyday to praise God and study the apostles teaching?

  7. Because the glory of Christ is the final standard. Finally because this is not "central-central" to our faith, Christ is. Adherence to proper rites and rituals do not save, Christ does.  In both cases, we can agree that God designed one day for us to (1) worship Him, (2) rest from work and (3) appreciate His and our creation (the results of our work). But these should not outshine the glory of Christ. It's all about Jesus. We may adhere to 7th day worship rites but our hearts "are far away" but we may choose to rest and worship on a Thursday or any other day sincerely and passionately. Thus we see the measurement of true obedience is not found in the physical (day of the week), but on the spiritual condition of man's heart (worship). Jesus said that the Son of Man (pertaining to him) is Lord of the Sabbath (Mt 12:1-14), and his standard for Sabbath is not physical (observance of the law), but spiritual (desire to do good and please the Father). 
Soli Deo Gloria.

[This is in polite response to a question raised in tonight's Carecell about the validity of 7th day worship (Saturday as true Sabbath). This has helped me evaluate and fortify my convictions about the topic.]

Supplement readings: