Yesterday was totally a bad day. I suffered a suicidal-depression-all-the-world-is-against-me attack yesterday. But it was just a day-phase, now I even forgot what I was ranting about. But of course except for that one bit of childish want. I'm a big paraniod baby. So people beware, keep feeding me information. Anyway, everythings back into perspective now.
I should be sleeping now. I told myself that my regular time for sleep should be 10PM. I am able to wake up at 6:30AM but there's just no creative juice flowing in my brain in the morning. But it's a great time for devotion though. Recently I bought two maps, a world map and a Philippine map, and taped it in the front and back leaf of my Bible, so I can pray for at least one nation a day. Today I placed an Indonesian map in another leaf. I want to be part of the global mission of bringing the nations to Christ.
Back at church, I came in few minutes late with every high school cell people waiting outside our church because of this hellish traffic we're experiencing in Divisoria and Binondo. It was quite a rush. Going to church, I was doing a marathon like walking at a fast pace cause running would tire me more and it'll look like I'm running away from something. Our cellgroup in high school has been suffering some blows. Praise God for two faithful girls who attend. The volunteers even outnumbered the students! Supposed to be we could number more than 10 students, but each of those had an excuse to miss it, plus one who ran away from home.
It made me think, "What's happening to our church?" Another issue that's the talk of the town is about that critical lady who finally left with her family but now pulling out every member that she brought into the church. I mean, please stop bringing it up! It's like chewing and chewing on a week long gum. It just makes my ear tingle and my bad vindictive man show up from hiding.
The message during worship today was "Who will stand up for me? Who will stand up for the nations and for this city? I need men who will stand and pray for the nations..."
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