It's that time of the year
Patienty Waiting
Twenty-four months and counting
My love for you grows bigger, deeper
Every minute passing by,
Every smile you grant this weary and undeserving soul
Lord, I have nothing but humble gratitude, solemn praise
For this beautiful thing You have made
May the good Lord bless our hands
As we walk towards the consummation of our love
Till that day when I will finally call you mine
And you call me yours
I will patiently wait
My love, my best friend
Victory of the Lamb
Day in the Life: Laptop Ressurection and Jesus Christ Superstar
Under Control (Updated Entry)
Under Control
Don't Grow Weary
Day in the Life
From Baguio with Love
Picture paints a thousand words:
I've never been happier, sure and thankful in my life.
“When you want something, all the universe conspires helps you to achieve it.”
Pumped up
Day in the Life: Sudden turn of events
Day in the Life: Week 1 2nd Sem & Firebrands Planning for 2009
I Need to Focus
Personal Reflections: John 5:1-14
Definitions in Daily Life: Irony
Leadership Gold by John Maxwell
- If It's Lonely at the Top, You're Not Doing Something Right (True! This really caught my attention that's why I bought the book. It's so true, before I use to believe and conclude that "it's lonely at the top" but really it should not be. Thank God for this relevation :)
- The Toughest Person to Lead Is Always Yourself (Second thing to catch my attention. It's also so true)
- Defining Moments Define Your Leadership
- When You Get Kicked in the Rear, You Know You're out in Front
- Never Work a Day in Your Life (Good mantra)
- The Best Leaders Are Listeners (True)
- Get in the Zone and Stay There
- A Leader's First Responsibility Is to Define Reality
- To See How the Leader Is Doing, Look at the People (Yes, yes, yes!)
- Don't Send Your Ducks to Eagle School
- Keep Your Mind on the Main Thing
- Your Biggest Mistake Is Not Asking What Mistake You're Making
- Don't Manage Your Time--Manage Your Life (Whoa!)
- Keep Learning to Keep Leading
- Leaders Distinguish Themselves During Tough Times
- People Quit People, Not Companies (Whoa moment there)
- Experience Is Not the Best Teacher
- The Secret to a Good Meeting Is the Meeting Before the Meeting
- Be a Connector, Not Just A Climber
- The Choices You Make, Make You
- Influence Should Be Loaned but Never Given
- For Everything You Gane, You Give Up Something
- Those Who Start the Journey with You Seldom Finish with You
St. Patrick's Breastplate
Thoughts about Ministry
TV Time: Anak, Bato sa Buhangin
The Hard-Beaten Path
The Long and Winding Road
Day in the Life: Carecell Day
Day in the Life: So kakapagod!
Ramblings: On Carelessness, Pessimism and Depression
A Slice of BFGFC History
Oh Lord, You're Beautiful
Note to Self: On Integrity
Note to Myself: On Integrty
From Frank Viola's message:
Day in the Life: Of A Bummed-Out Hard Preacher in a New Do
Hopelessly Romantic
Reimagining Church, Holy Discontent
Me @ 27
- Had dinner with my parents, Netty, bro Lawrence & Zarah at Gumbo in MOA. By the end of the dinner, at the signal of Netty, the Gumbo crew presented me with a birthday sundae and a birthday song and dance number to my embarassment because of too much attention.
- Most of the gifts I received were chocolates. I love it!
- Received lots of birthday greetings from family and friends. Thank God for all of them. I am loved and valued.
- On Saturday the three Firebrands Carecells made a suprise and gift of encouraging messages for me. We celebrated with overflowing pizzas.
- Netty bought me a shirt a new shirt and pair of skinny jeans that I thought makes me look thinner and I love it!
- Next Saturday the celebration continues as we celebrate the September celebrants in YA in a local pasta place.
- At 27, I have come to a realization that I am already a (young) adult. Unlike 26 when I felt I'm still youth. Though of course I will be forever for the youth.
- At 27, I feel that I am so blessed--for everything that I have gone through, my experiences and the people who I met in my journey and continues to walk behind, alongside and before me. Blessed that He started a good work in me and excited that He has more things in store, He is faithful to finish what He has started in me.
- At 27, I am waiting for the next chapter in my life to unfold ...
Day in the Life - The Day I Wade in the Flood
I remember a witty remark by stand-up performer Demetri Martin that said, "When on water, you can know if you're in trouble by what you are wearing: If trunks, you're good ... if pants uh-oh!"
There is Life in The Word
ASCM Retreat Reflections
Evening worship. Holy Spirit moved powerfully in me. I raised up my hands which I have hidden in his sight for so long as if Lord here are my hands--dirty, you alone can wash them clean--in an attitude of deep grief for my sin. I covered my face in shame. Indeed he has promised that our mourning will be turned into shouts of joy. His inexpressible and illogical love envelop me and finally I succumb to his love in honest desparation for the first time in weeks. I want to control my grief but I was shaking, weeping like a child taken away from his father for a very long time.
Indeed, Amazing Love, how can it be???
His Word to me: NEW HEART. I will give you a new heart. I will turn your heart of stone into a heart of flesh. I will write my law in a heart of flesh ... Lord, teach me your ways that I may know you more. Show me your glory.
YOUTH. I sensed that God reassured me of my calling. What he has first called me to do, it's still is until today ... Indeed Lord you are faithful to complete the work you have started in me.
(Isaiah?) I will reveal thigs you haven't yet seen and heard ...
I came that you may have and enjoy life, but don't let your enemy, Satan, steal my life away from you.
Time alone with God ... Time is not the problem my priorities are. I have realized I have set the presence of God as something that is trivial and powerless compared to the work of my hands and the logic of my head ... I'm a stupid idiot. I'm was a brute before you. Indeed your judgments are right so that you stand blameless and correct in your judgments.
God's Word to me Aug 22, 6:30AM - "A soldier does not concern himself with the things ordinary people concern about." Lord I'm afraid to ask what you want me not to concern myself with. Perhaps because I may have to give up this addictive desire to control things. Lord, give me the courage to set you up as my true final authority and finisher of my faith.
Devotion: Aug 21, Exodus 33:12-23 ... God shows his glory to Moses.
God knows me by name, He indeed has a purpose for me. His purpose for me is true. This passage has been spoken to me when I was still a younger man (by Ate Em) "If Your presence does not go with us, do not take us away from here." Lord, I want to be Your friend as Moses was. Give me a holy passion for Your Name ... Draw me in order that I may pursue you and know you more. Forgive me that I thought I have known all of you. I was a fool for thinking that. You are unsearchable and limitless as Your love for me is. Draw me close that I may know You more. Your presence, I need your presence. Without that take me nowhere.
The Power of His Love
"For love loves unto purity. Love has ever in view the absolute loveliness of that which it beholds. Where loveliness is incomplete, and love cannot love its fill of loving, it spends itself to make more lovely, that it may love more; it strives for perfection, even that itself may be perfected--not in itself, but in the object. As it was love that first created humanity, so even human love, in proportion to its divinity, will go on creating the beautiful for its own outpouring. There is nothing eternal but that which loves and can be loved, and love is ever climbing towards the consummation when such shall be the universe, imperishable, divine.
"Therefore all that is not beautiful in the beloved, all that comes between and is not love's kind, must be destroyed.
"And our God is a consuming fire."
Taken from From the Library of CS Lewis (Bell)
I raised you up for this very purpose ...
Saturday is Carecell Day
Psalm 103 ... Gotta paste everything!
all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
2 Praise the LORD, O my soul,
and forget not all his benefits-
3 who forgives all your sins
and heals all your diseases,
4 who redeems your life from the pit
and crowns you with love and compassion,
5 who satisfies your desires with good things
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.
6 The LORD works righteousness
and justice for all the oppressed.
7 He made known his ways to Moses,
his deeds to the people of Israel:
8 The LORD is compassionate and gracious,
slow to anger, abounding in love.
9 He will not always accuse,
nor will he harbor his anger forever;
10 he does not treat us as our sins deserve
or repay us according to our iniquities.
11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
so great is his love for those who fear him;
12 as far as the east is from the west,
so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
13 As a father has compassion on his children,
so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him;
14 for he knows how we are formed,
he remembers that we are dust.
15 As for man, his days are like grass,
he flourishes like a flower of the field;
16 the wind blows over it and it is gone,
and its place remembers it no more.
17 But from everlasting to everlasting
the LORD's love is with those who fear him,
and his righteousness with their children's children-
18 with those who keep his covenant
and remember to obey his precepts.
19 The LORD has established his throne in heaven,
and his kingdom rules over all.
20 Praise the LORD, you his angels,
you mighty ones who do his bidding,
who obey his word.
21 Praise the LORD, all his heavenly hosts,
you his servants who do his will.
22 Praise the LORD, all his works
everywhere in his dominion.
Praise the LORD, O my soul.
Day in the Life: Clean-up Day
- My class with Doc Mac - It helped me see my problem as it is, not as a giant but a manageable challenge. I'm really blessed by this professor.
- Chapel service - The speaker this week was great. Dr. Ayo is a Nigerian professor who ministered in the Philippines for more than 20 years but is now teaching in the States. He preached about the subject of holiness. Holiness means Humility, Obedience, Love for God , Integrity, N (Long-suffering?), Endurance, Self-denial & Separation from the world unto God.
- My counseling session with Ma'am Zonia - It helped me unload. We will be meeting regularly now.
- Midweek service at Word for the World - Visiting their Thursday service was part of my requirement for Field Education but it has encouraged me personally.
- Dinner with Netty and Richard & Neri - After service we went to Alexa in dela Costa Street for a time of couples fellowship with Carecell-mates Richard and Neri. Food is nice and free Wifi.
Momentary Feeling of Purposelessness
I'm still in this state of "momentary feeling of purposelessness". I don't like the feeling. For one, I'm not smiling. For someone who has been coined to be rarely smile, this one I consciously notice. My prayer: "Lord, restore the joy of my salvation." John Piper in his study of Psalm 51 said it's the lost of that joy in the presence of the Lord followers of the Lord get distracted and do stupid things. How do you bounce back from this feeling? I have gone through worse breakdowns and I could see this is not the max of it.
Just stay put and put a tight grip...
It's weird I'm in this state of lack of direction again. I'm thinking for something to be thankful about. Of course there always is. My work is ok, my school is ok, my ministry in BFGFC is ok. It's the typical me--the smallest flaw ticks me off. I need to tell myself its not the end of the world.
I'm thankful that last night I was able to chat with a good friend and colleague and ministry who is experiencing the same thing or even worse than me. It's good that someone understands and someone to be encouraged with.
This too shall pass as all the problems and challenges I went through. I always say that when we're in the middle of the storm it sucks, and that's the worst time to make any judgment calls and decisions. The most we have to do is to stay put, put a tight grip on the Rock until the storm passes.
As I told my friend, I don't want to be the type of leader who just go through his leadership position without impacting the place where the Lord has put me. I just can't accept that. But in my situation I'm in, I could easily blame external factors. But I will choose not to do that.
See, even as I write this I'm feeling better. I should do this often.
But I already know what's the problem (with me), and the answer is so simple, yet because of our stubbornness it looks as if it's the hardest thing to do. I'm hear myself saying "what I don't want to do, I do. And what I need to do I do not do."
Lord, just hit me one more time.
But I Have No Other Hope
Be silent now and leave me alone.
Let me speak, and I will face the consequences.
Yes I will take my life in my hands
and say what I really think.
God might kill me, but I have no other hope.
I am going to argue my case with him.
But this is what will save me--I am not godless.
If I were, I could not stand before him.
Urgent Prayer Request
Day in The Life: Ice Fell from the Sky
After watching, it began to rain really hard outside as if there's a really bad typhoon again. Then suddenly I heard hitting noises on our roof as if rocks were falling on it. So I looked outside my window and I was shocked when it was raining hail! The hail that were falling were twice the size of a marble. I was kinda creeped out of this meteorological display after watching the movie that address the issue of global warming.
Kinda sleepy now. It's great to be back and hopefully in full effect.
Day in The Life: Visit to the doctor
Finally we arrived, the place was jam-packed. I was 10th on the line. I was a bit embarassed because Netty has seen my check-up history since 2000. Some still recurring, some I totally forgot I had. My turn comes and the diagnosis: I have three things happening all at the same time. I had acute bacterial sinusitis, something I'm very familiar with already. Dry coughing and sore throat. Dr. de Guzman said its rampant these days because of the heat. And he gave me three presciptions for each. After check-up we went to the drugstore to buy meds. After that we went to G4 to have dinner.
I was already becoming cranky because its past six and the headache and sore throat are taking their toll (they get worse in the evening, specifically from 6 to 12). Every cough triggers a very painful headache.
As we begin to eat, I saw this dad approaching where her young daughter was seated. Looks like a daddy-daughter bonding. As he was preparing their food on the table, her daughter got to excited and knocked the biggie-size cola spilling it on the table and on the girl. And immediately my thought was what a clumsy girl this was and if I was the dad I would really be annoyed. But the dad didn't get mad, not even a hint of irritation. Immediately he wipes his daughter's soaked clothes and sends her to the comfort room. Then suddenly He opened my eyes to see. How God is like that. That sometimes, we think He snaps the moment we mess up. But instead we find a patient Father who loves His children unconditionally. The crew moves them to another table at the dad's command. And the girl returns and finds her soda restored. And they ate and had a great time together like nothing happened before. What an overwhelming revelation in common daily life.
At the end of the day, I realize again what a blessed man I am. That He would allow someone like me to be with someone like Netty. I am humbled and amazed about this grace, who loves and takes care of me. She arranged the times when I should take my meds, put them in small packets with notes when to take them. I jokingly told her that its good that I have a personal nurse, but of course I am very thankful and blessed to have her in my life.
Come Away with Me
Christ’s invitation for all of us after a hard day’s work, “Come!” Come away. Two words seldom found together. Coming to Christ means I must go away—give up, let go—from all my worries and cares to the One who can grant absolute peace (John 14:27). Why do we sometimes have a hard time giving up things? We stubbornly grasp and fight for a crumb when the feast is waiting there (Luke 14:16-24). He calls us alone, by myself, away from the supposed “connected” electronic lifestyle—alone because He wants me for Himself. He rejoices over me (Zephaniah 3:17), the apple of His eye (Zechariah 2:8). He is my Shepherd, I am His sheep. He leads me by still waters and gives perfect rest (Psalm 23). It is dwelling in the presence of the Uncreated One, where I truly become a human BEING, complete and purposeful.
“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.” (Psalm 91:1)
Day in the Life: Work, work, cough, cough, work
Today, got a morning call from US after barely 3 hours of sleep for a conference call with my boss and other team mates. After the meeting, parents already awake, had breakfast and went back to sleep. Woke up 12 noon. Do more work. Watch a bit TV then work again. I was planning on visiting the bank, then visit the doctor and have a haircut. I was only able to do the last one. I missed the doctor who just left when I arrived. Dropped parents to a wedding. Proceed to SM Manila. Had a good haircut. Walked around and ate dinner. Went back to church to pick up parents.
Caught American Idol on TV, the contestants sang Shout to The Lord by Hillsong.
Day in the Life: Weight Loss and An Embarassing Moment
This morning woke up at 10AM. Today Netty and I would be visiting Ate Merla at the Chi Alpha house. After lunch, prepared myself and while checking myself on the mirror I noticed that I lost some weight. I mean I noticed it. I thought perhaps this was the result of sleepless nights this week. I wanted to ask my mom to confirm my observation, but I just kept my mouth shut.
Took LRT to school. I had to return a book to a professor. It's been a while since I took the train again. Checked out the class schedules for next semester. I noticed that I have completed a significant number of subjects for my degree and its great, I might be graduating sooner than I thought. Paid my tution dues.
Had an embarassing moment at school: As I was entering school I noticed a guy wave at me by the stairs. I couldn't make up his face so I went closer to see who it was, and I didn't know the guy. He was trying to say something. I tried to clarify. But he said, "Never mind." OK, so perhaps this guy's trying to ask for money or something. I mean many times I've been asked by strangers for some coins. So went in, did my stuff and it's time to leave. As I was leaving, I noticed the guy enter the school with Deando, a friend from Central AG and also a schoolmate, one of the churches of Section 2. I met them and Deando introduced him as a youth from their church. I mean I was so embarassed because finally it dawned to me that his face was familiar, perhaps I have seen him from last sectional fellowship, perhaps even prayed with this guy. I just never thought that I would meet him in an unexpected place. They were there to participate in a recital for the music course. Needless to say, I apologized to death even as we parted ways. Another "suplado" moment on my record.
Also while at school, someone noticed my weight loss. I was like, "really?" with matching ear-clapping. I mean it wasn't a significant of weight loss. You might be disappointed when you see me. It is such a deal because for sometime now I was puffed up because of lack of exercise and proper diet. And I really wanted to get back into shape.
After school, went to Netty's place. Her clinic is already closed. Said hi to family and took off. Took MRT to Gateway, had Dairy Queen after a very long time. Then took LRT2 to Pureza. After a long travel finally we arrived at Ate Merla's place. She cooked dinner for us. Ate Joy was also there. She's getting married in 6 weeks. And she's quite busy now with wedding preparations. Boyet from TLA is her soon to be husband. Happy for them. Again my loss of weight had been noticed, to my girlfriend's disbelief. It was a great time of food and fellowship, catching up on each one's lives. Talks of relationships and faith and testimonies. It was all good. After dinner, I was sleepy, a common effect after I get full. After staying for a few more minutes. We said our goodbyes, took Netty home and came home almost 12NN.
More to This
How richly blessed are the children of God with the eternal grace and spiritual blessings that God has made accessible to us through Christ. But sometimes, I fail to look beyond the horizon of what God thinks I can become. It is by faith that the Healer forgives sin and remembers it no more. But for the fool it becomes a ticket to live the cycle all over again. We fail to realize--or rather our eyes become dull to see-- that there is more of this; that just as he has the authority to bestow mercy he is more than able to get us and keep us walking--restore us to who we were in his fold. There should be in us a holy ambition, an aspiration to move to higher heights of living in faith. Lord you are everything I need, my all in all.
I'm back!
Summer has started, and OA siya sa inet!!!
Since this summer I had two failed attempts to go to the water: First, during our church's water baptism/outing, I didn't go swimming because I preferred to indulge myself in sleep. Indulge because rarely do I enjoy a good night sleep these days because of work overseas when I need to be awake at night. Second, I was supposed to go to Batangas today with my former bandmate Criz to go diving in Anilao. But, because of rush deadlines I have to beg off and stay. I better deserve a break after all this.
Yesterday was our 15th monthsary. Time really flies so fast. Blessed and happy. We had a simple dinner (or midnight snack) at Friday's in Serendra. Our schedules didn't go so well, because she closed her clinic a bit late, and I spoke at a youth gathering in Manila until 9PM. So the car was a notch less to flying after the youth gathering, because I really wanted to be with her.
School is officially out next week. This semester has its good things and bad things. I loved Counseling class, liked Discipleship and Evangelism, loved Church History but not so much the professor. Yesterday, I met a good friend and colleague at the church were I went to. I was sharing how I liked Church History but not the professor (though I'm a bit on the neutral side now). And as I was describing this professor it dawned to him that that was also his professor on the same subject in his school. Talk about coincidence. We both agreed that he is weird (I'm not alone!), but one brilliant brain. Anyway, during our finals on this subject, I was so happy that I was able to get a perfect score on his objective tests which are his babies. And he announced that he'll be teaching Systematic Theology next semester, which to my misfortune I haven't taken yet. Bummer.
Prayer of St. Francis
The Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi
Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.
Post Christmas Raves: ROB Camp & 1st Yr. Anniversary
Been raving much and praising God about the success of Radical Outbreak, our Section 2 Youth Camp held last 26-29 at Nasugbu. It was much of a movement of God, from the finances to the attendance of campers. There were around 110 young people who joined us for the camp. And God actively moved in our midst. Most of us and the speakers observed that this group of young people are serious about God, so they just went straight to their point in their messages, no beating around the bush. Most of them new believers, some backslidden, I was told 70% of campers haven't really had a meaningful relationship with God until now. The response of young people was overwhelming, seeing them at a very young age with a realization that some will be called to be pastors and missionaries are a sight to see. The team work of the staff and the counselors was matchless. I am really rejoicing for surrounding me with such promising and gifted leaders. The question to be asked now is "now what?". Praying that the seed that was planted in the hearts of these young people will grow and mature in due time. The momentum has been established. The standard set. Go, go, go Section 2!
Personally God has also ministered to me. He reminded me of His promises and reminded me of His plans for me. At this time I got a deeper understanding of who He is, what God's love, grace and mercy is and rejoicing over it. It's amazing how He could make beautiful things of the lives of un-beautiful people. Everytime it's gets more and more amazing.
It was at the camp that Netty and I celebrated our 1st year anniversary. Time flies so fast. I still remember vividly that time when I was given that sweet "yes" in Roxas Boulevard. Netty is proof of God's grace and love for me. Continuously thanking Him for our relationship. That 28th both of us were busy at camp but somehow got to get an alone time just talking and reminiscing. The cook then offered us a newly grilled barbeque to taste test. It was an instant celebration moment, sharing barbeque under a hut (Kulang na lang magsubuan kami ng barbeque, hehe). We then had a short prayer time of thanksgiving and surrender for another year ahead. Earlier, it was almost impossible that she would be able to join me because she is working on her clinic. But thank God everything worked out and blessing us with each other on our anniversary.
For 2008, I am expecting for new things. That I may draw closer to His will for me. To experience Him more. New adventures with God and with the people I love. Life is beautiful.